Chapter Seven

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Going the Distance - Chapter Seven

Coffee with the Romantic Interest

"Mr Farley? I know him," He replied, "A very humble man."

"Well you wouldn't have thought that if you saw him yesterday," I answered, chuckling. He chuckled too. "How do you know him anyway?"

"Well, he is one of the main people in that office. He supplies the scripts and paperwork for the films." He explained. I nodded.

"That's my job at the moment. Typing the scripts." I said.

"You should come across my script, then," He sipped his coffee, "Try not to make any mistakes." He laughed. I rolled my eyes but laughed as well.

"I'll try." I grinned.

After the coffee, he walked me to the bus stop. Which was nice of him, to say the least. Especially considering that he had to walk the completely opposite way.

"Thank you for coffee." He said, smiling.

"It's fine, I owed you anyway," I replied, he looked deeper into my eyes. I heard my bus start to approach. I broke the contact and saw it stop. "Goodbye Benedict."

"Goodbye." He extended his arms for a hug. I hugged him, his body warmth appealing, then got on the bus. I waved at him from the window of the bus and he waved back then started to walk back the way he came. Was I falling in love with him? I definitely had feelings for him. He was perfect. His stance, his face, everything.

It was strange of me to think about this sort of thing. I was the type of girl who repelled against boys in school. I had only had one relationship in my life. It was kind of serious. It lasted about 9 months until I found out he had been cheating on me for 3 of them. I had given up on the other gender after that. I had been alone for around 2 years.

I opened my flat door and walked into the heated air. I was greeted by Neve who offered me a cup of tea. I gladly took the offer and relaxed for the rest of the night. I had a warm bath and went to bed. I still hadn't got Benedict's number. I completely forgot to ask him for it.

We were going for coffee again tomorrow. I looked forward to it.

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