Chapter Ten

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Going the Distance - Chapter Ten

Dream or reality?

The party was one of Benedict's closest friend's birthday party. I think. That is all that I had figured out so far.

I had only attended this party for Benedict's sake and he seemed very grateful. He stayed by my side for the whole night. He introduced himself and I to many people before sitting next to me at a table with a bottle of champagne.

"Here." He poured me a glass of champagne. I thanked him and started sipping at it. He poured himself a glass and sat back in his seat.

"You know, we can leave if you don't like the party." He looked up at me. The silence between us was unlike the silence in the taxi. It was more unwanted.

"No it is fine." I smiled and he was reassured, grinning back with his beautiful smile.

The party ended in the early hours of the morning and we were definitely not as drunk as some of the others who attended it. No taxis were present so we walked home, hand in hand. I'm not going to lie, we were a little tipsy.

I had my shoes in my other hand and I was strolling on the pavement with only my tights to comfort my feet. Benedict's hair was messier than at the start of the night and my god, he looked sexy. His tie was slightly untied and the top button of his shirt was undone.

"Do you ever wonder what is up there?" He asked, out of nowhere. I turned to him and saw his amazingly-sapphire eyes peering towards the sky. I glanced upwards.

"Yes, sometimes," The sky was full of stars. It was pitch black and the moon was really visible and fluorescent. "It's beautiful isn't it?"

"Yes but not as beautiful as you" He looked at me, I turned towards him, blushing slightly. He turned back ahead of him.

We walked, arms swinging with every step, to my apartment. We took the lift and stumbled to my door. Neve was out at her boyfriends for the weekend; she left shortly after we had. I fumbled for my keys in my bag, Ben laughing because of how clumsy I was being, and unlocked my door, pushing it open forcefully, stammering in. I threw my bag on the couch and walked back to the open door frame where Benedict was leaning.

"Thank you for tonight." He glanced to my eyes, pushing a piece of hair behind my hair.

"No, thank you" I glimpsed back. He moved closer to me. I blushed.

Suddenly, I felt his warm lips press against mine. At first, I hesitated, mainly because I hadn't been this intimate with someone for so long. But I gave in, his tongue asking for entrance that I gave. His arms made their way to the back of my neck. It turned me on, to be truthful. Butterflies were flying around my stomach while the kiss became more passionate. I really liked him. I had always liked him. But I always thought that he deserved a better woman than me, I was just some woman who luckily got a job and coincidently bumped into him. If I hadn't, I would of been in a completely different place at that time. Never-the-less, I was extremely happy.

At this moment, he had left my lips and was leaving a trail of kisses on my jawline and neck, allowing moans to leave my mouth. We entered my bedroom, shutting the door behind. It quickly became the most passionate and beautiful experience of my life. It was unrealistic.

Going the Distance [benedict cumberbatch]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora