Chapter 4

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I waited for my dad's response about the computer.
"Let me finish my work it will be about an hour." He replied.
"Okay. When is our new sibling coming?" I asked him.
"Tomorrow were picking her up." He informed me.
"When is Charlotte coming back? When is the rest of the family meeting her?" I questioned.
"I don't know you'll have to ask Uncle Harry and they will be meeting her the day after tomorrow which is Saturday." He explained. I'm excited for her to come.
"Is there anything I can do to help for tomorrow?" I asked excitedly.
"Not that I can think of." He said while focusing on his papers.
"Okay then." I said walking to the kitchen to get some grape juice. Mom was in there prepping for tomorrow.
"Mom is there anything we should know about her? You hardly talked about her." I asked.
"Well her name is Rosemarie. She is 5 years old and PuertoRican. Her mom was PuertoRican and her dad was British, but they couldn't take care of her and sadly put her up for adoption." Mom told me.
"I'm excited to be a big sister." I said happily.
"Good I'm glad." She agreed hugging me.
"I had to write about working poor women for my sociology class. I think it turned out pretty well." I confided to her.
"As long as you tried your best that's all that matters to your father and I." She hugged me and started to sweep the floor.

The next morning

Dad and Mom went to pick up Rose. I did my morning routine and went downstairs to eat some cereal. I went on my phone texting my friends when Ethan came down.
"Did they say when they would be back?" He asked. I wasn't paying attention and continued to text. He snatched the phone out of my hands.
"Answer." He told me.
"In about an hour give me my phone jerk." I spat at him making sure to hit him.
"Stop or I'll take your phone away." He scolded. My parents let him take my phone away when they are gone and then they determine if I can get it back again afterwards.
"What do you want from me? I hate you; you are the worst brother ever." I yelled at him taking my phone and running to my room. Soon Mom and Dad came home with a little cutie.
"Hey what's your name?" I asked kneeling down to her height.
"I'm Rose and I'm 5." She said shyly turning to our dad wanting to be carried.
"Well I'm Evangeline, but you can call me Eva. I'm your new big sister and if you stick with me I'll be sure to get you cookies." I said to her and eyes lit up.
"I like cookies." She informed her new daddy and mommy.
"That's good sweetheart, but you need to eat real food first or you'll get a tummy ache." Dad told her tickling her a little.
"Mommy help me! Daddy turned into the tickle monster!" She squealed.
"Oh no! Rose I think there's another person you need to meet. He is your big brother." Mom told her.
"My big brudder?" She asked and Ethan came out of his room with a cookie.
"Hey baby girl. I heard you're Rose I got you a cookie and I'll save you from the tickle monster." He said stealing her from our dad playfully. She sat down on his lap happily munching on her cookie. She got her dress and face dirty with chocolate. Mom tried to clean her up.
"No I want play with Eva and Etan." She argued.
"Rose, you cannot argue with mommy." Dad scolded. Once he said that she bursted out crying.

Evangeline Payne daughter of Liam PayneNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ