Chapter 23

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"Okay kids we're here." Dad told us. Mom and Dad started to mumble some stuff to each other. Mom nodded and helped get Rose out. Dad grabbed Rose from her and carried her inside getting a table for us.
"Come on Ethan wake up!" Mom yelled shaking him.
"Do I have to?" He asked turning over. Mom rolled her eyes.
"We're going to eat." She told him. He got up and tried to climb over me.
"Ethan! Move your fat butt away before I throw my shoe at you!" I yelled pushing him. Ethan tried looking at his butt.
"My butt is not fat." He told me. An old woman and her husband looked at mom and smiled.
"Twins? They are adorable!" She complimented Ethan and I and walked away.
"Eww we are not twins mom." We told her in unison. I looked at him.
"Stop that!" We yelled together again. We rolled our eyes in unison too!
"Well let's go food is inside." Mom told us. Ethan went inside without us.
"Mom I think Niall has a long lost son." I pointed out. Mom chuckled.
"No he's all ours!" She stated happily. We walked in and sat at the table Dad, Rose, and Ethan were sitting at.
"Okay so before we order all phones in the middle of the table. This is bonding time and I won't have phones intruding it." Mom said. Ethan and I put our phones in the middle. Dad looked at mom with a sad expression.
"Do I got to?" He asked.
"Yes Liam you have to." She said pointing to the middle. He reluctantly put it in the middle. Then there was a fifth phone.
"Rose what is your Barbie phone doing in the middle?" Ethan asked.
"Etan Mommy said put all the phones in the middle so I put my phone." She said in a 'duh' tone.
"Yeah Ethan get your act together stupid." I said laughing.
"Don't call me stupid." He said.
"Both of you hush we are in a restaurant." Mom said breaking her straight face into a smile.
"Hello my name is Katie I'll be your server what can I get you?" She asked politely.
"I'll have a grilled cheese and ham sandwich with fries and a coke please." I ordered. The others ordered burgers or in Rose's case chicken nuggets. We started eating and talking about what we were excited for and school. If was nice to be able to talk to both parents considering throughout the week we are all usually busy with school and work.
"Yo quiero uvas." Rose told mom. We all know somewhat Spanish but mom and dad know a lot more than we do.
"Okay we'll get you some grapes right now." Mom said as the waitress came back with our food.
"Would you like anything else?" She asked us.
"Yes we wanted grapes if it's no problem." Mom told her.
"No problem you'll get them in a jiff." Katie said walking off. We started to eat and mom helped Rose with the ketchup.
"Here ya go." She said placing the grapes on the table.
"Thank you." Mom said.
"Tank you." Rose chirped up eating her grapes. I drank some of my Coke and ate a fry. Soon we were done and packed everything up in the car. We drove off to Hollywood Studios.
Yo quiero uvas. - I want grapes.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Evangeline Payne daughter of Liam PayneWhere stories live. Discover now