Chapter 16

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I woke up to Logan shaking me.
"What?" I asked not in the mood.
"The boys went to get breakfast and they said we need to get ready they made the announcement that it should only be about an hour before we leave." He explained.
"Ok." I said getting up. I grabbed my carry on and went to the restroom. I tried to fix my hair and put some water on my face. I fixed my bag and made it a bit more organized.
Once I was done I went back to the gate and saw all the kids sitting down somewhere eating McDonalds breakfast. My mom got me a hash brown knowing I wasn't in the mood to eat right now. All the younger kids were eating, or more like trying to eat their pancakes and eggs while I ate my hash brown. Uncle Zayn sat next to me.
"What's up duckling?" He asked me. That's his nickname for me, but I'm not sure why.
"Hey Uncle Zayn." I said.
"Are you okay? You aren't hungry?" He asked me.
"No I'm ready to go." I told him. Which is true we could have been at Florida right now.
"I know duckling but we gotta be patient." He explained.
"I know. The kids are going to love it there." I pointed out. The kids are done eating and started to color. We now leave in thirty minutes.
"Okay guys it's clean up time can we put our toys in our bags?" Aunt Perrie asked the kids. The kids were ecstatic to help the adults even if it was to clean up. I walked over to Uncle Harry. He was on the phone smiling and teary eyed. Once he hung up I gave him a weird look.
"What's wrong Uncle Haz?" I asked him worriedly.
"Nothing the exact opposite Charlotte is for sure meeting us in Florida!" He said happily running over to Aunt Ruby to tell her. She kissed him and smiled. I sat next to Melanie. She glanced up from her phone and smiled when she saw me.
"Hey Mel, did you hear about Charlotte coming?" I asked her.
"The people in Australia knows." She joked around laughing.
"He really misses her." I pointed out.
"Yeah they were really close with each other and I think once she started dating Eddie and she started traveling it made the empty nest syndrome worse." She stated.
"I guess, but even then he still has Eden and Genevieve at home." I retaliated.
"Not really, because Eden is away at college, Charlotte is traveling and Genevieve is the last one, but she is five and really shy." She told me. I nodded my head agreeing with her. So Charlotte is dating a guy named Eddie. They've been dating a year now and very happy with each other. They met at a red carpet ceremony and have stuck to each other since. Uncle Harry wasn't particularly happy that she started dating, but knew it would happen eventually. Eddie is super sweet and protective of her. When he hangs out with us he's like one of us and includes us on things instead of hogging Charlotte.
"Is she coming with Eddie?" I asked her.
"Most definitely." She said showing me her Snapchat that showed her on the plane with Eddie.
"Do you think Uncle Haz knows?" I asked her.
"I don't think he cares as long as she's coming she could bring the whole U.S if she wanted." She joked around laughing. Genevieve walked over to us.
"Hey Gen what's up?" Melanie asked.
"I draw a unicorn for my mum and dad." She said.
"That is a beautiful unicorn." I told her.
"I wanna watch Spongebob." She said hinting for one of us to put it on. Aunt Ruby came over.
"Hey baby girl I'll put it on but leave the big girls alone okay?" She asked her nicely.
"Aunt Ruby its fine really she was just talking with us." I assured her. She smiled and picked Genevieve up.

Evangeline Payne daughter of Liam PayneWhere stories live. Discover now