Chapter 9

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Last night we all just went to bed and woke up one at a time this morning. I went down to the kitchen where mom was toasting bagels and had the cream cheese out. Rose sat in front of the t.v watching Spongebob.
"Good morning mom." I said while hugging her.
"Hi Eva!" Rose cheered. Mom looked tired and just wanted time to herself.
"Mom go out today with Dad have some time alone. I'll watch Rose later with Angel and and Nevaeh. Uncle Niall is busy and paying me to watch the two." I told her. She smiled.
"Are you sure? Three toddlers are a lot of work." She asked.
"Well four actually, Genevieve is coming too and Savannah, Georgia, and Melanie so I'll have help." I persuaded. She still looked unsure.
"Mom it would be one toddler per teenager we will be fine." I assured her.
"Okay if you say so." She said while hugging me. She went to get ready for her Mom day off.
"Rose come on you need to eat your bagel." I said trying to get her attention.
"Wait five more minutes." She said not even sparing me a glance.
"No five more minutes. You need to eat now or you won't play with Angel, Nevaeh or Genevieve when they come." I told her. She came running in.
"After you eat we need to get you changed."  I said taking a bite of my bagel. She drank her apple juice and nodded. The others were supposed to come in an hour or so. I had planned to take them to the park later. The Horans and Styles came. The Tomlinsons made their appearance .
"Okay everyone have their shoes on?" Georgia asked. They all nodded.
"We're going to the park but you need to behave." I told them. They all got excited.
"That means each of you has to hold one of our hands. Savannah has Nevaeh, Georgia gets Angel, I got Genevieve, and Melanie gets Rose." I told all of them. We walked to the park. The kids ran in the equipment and we sat on the bench watching them. They played tag and little games like that. Genevieve came up to me.
"When is my daddy going to pick me up?" She asked. I checked the time. It was 12:30 they said they would pick up their kids at 1:30 after their interviews.
"In an hour can you tell the girls to come over here?" I asked of her. She ran and rounded up the girls. We headed back and made them lunch. I heated up dinosaur chicken nuggets. Melanie started playing around with them. Savannah bit the head off one and Angel cried because she thought she killed it.
"Savannah you made her cry!" Georgia yelled at her while hitting her.
"Ow.." Savannah said rubbing her shoulder. Angel laughed and walked up to her own twin and hit her. Nevaeh started to cry.
"Angel we do not hit!" I scolded putting her in the naughty chair that we got for Rose. She started to cry and tried to escape. I held her in place.
"No you need to stay here for 10 minutes." I directed her. She sat there sniffing. I walked up to Savannah and Georgia.
"You guys need to be careful on what you do in front of them." I scolded.
"Yes Mummy!" They laughed and saluted at me. I rolled my eyes. The other kids ate their food and I got Angel out of time out.
"You know what you did was bad right?" I asked her.
"Wes I sowwie I hit Nebaya." She apologized.
"It's okay. Go apologize and we're going to wait for your daddy to pick you guys up okay?" I told her. She nodded and did as told. We played some games and someone knocked on the door.
"Hey love is Gen ready?" Uncle Harry asked.
"Yeah she was good today." I told him and Gen came running to him.
"I missed you daddy!" She said while hugging him.
"I missed you too love bug." He said while handing me ten dollars.
"Bye." I said while closing the door. I was about to sit down when another knock was heard. I got up and opened the door. Uncle Niall came. Angel and Nevaeh ran to him.
"Angel had to in time out for hitting Nevaeh, but I handled it." I said. He frowned.
"Angel you know we don't hit, especially your family." He scolded.
"I sowwie daddy I say sowwie to Nebaya." She told him. He handed me twenty dollars; ten for each twin. I closed the door. I sat down and another knock was heard.
"I swear this better be a hot boy or girl because I swear imma kill someone!" I yelled. Uncle Louis was there.
"You are neither of what I asked for." I told him
"How much do I pay you for babysitting my trouble makers?" He asked playfully.
"Fifty for each twin and a hundred for a single born child." I said joking around.
"Why is Melanie worth more?" Georgia asked.
"Because your twin scared a five year old!" I said back. The three of them went into their car and I was left by myself in the house.

Evangeline Payne daughter of Liam PayneWhere stories live. Discover now