Chapter 8

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I ran over to the target that was about fifteen minutes from their house and bumped into Savannah.

"Where's Georgia?" I asked. They were usually always together.

"I don't know I turned a corner to keep lookout and when I came back she was gone." Savannah panicked. Then our phones buzzed. Georgia was second caught, but underneath the photo Gabriel sent a message saying he was coming after Savannah next.

"Oh heavenly cake I gotta go. Bye!" She said running out of target. 

Okay don't panic he might be here still. I hid in the bathroom. Roxy was caught third near a duck pond? I checked the time and it was 7 pm. We've been playing for four hours. I went to a train station and waited by the card machines. Ethan ran by and knocked into Gabe. They took the selfie and Ethan headed back to the Tomlimson's house. I left to a Walgreens and paid for a small bag of chocolate covered cashews. I sat in the medicine aisle. 

It's now 8 p.m and the last ones are Melanie Savannah and I. I bought a water gun from the store and filled it up at the fountain. The deal about the 'weapons' is if you hit the seeker you have one minute to run away and it's like you were never found. I put the cashews in my bag and headed out. A picture on the group chat showed Melanie with a nerf gun and belt filled with the nerf bullets. Savannah had water balloons and a bucket of slime ready for Gabe. I walked to a dollar tree and waited. Another picture update showed Savannah dumping the slime on Gabe and her running away. I stayed alert and as he came in I moved from aisle to aisle. I passed a corner and almost ran into him.

"Stay where you are I'm not afraid to shoot you." I warned Gabe.

"Chill it's a nerf gun." He told me. I shot him with the water and ran to the nearest gas station. I started to eat my cashews minding my own business. 

"Mam are you going to buy something?" This old lady asked.

"Well actually I'm just hiding from my friends. We're playing-" I started to explained but got interrupted.

"I couldn't care less. Are you going to buy something or do I have to kick you out?" She asked rudely. I picked up a Gatorade and paid for it.

"Maybe you shouldn't be so snippy." I muttered.

I left to Costco who was still open at 10 pm. I only need two more hours. I started walking around the store for a half hour. Soon Savannah was caught and it was just Melanie and I. By 11 p.m I was bored of Costco after finishing my ice cream that I went to CVS who is luckily open 24 hours. I looked through the red box choosing a movie to rent. The bad part of being one of the last ones is that the game starts turning to a waiting game.

I put the movies in my bag and went inside CVS. I picked up a bag of chips and pop and sat in the pharmacy. Melanie texted me that we have thirty minutes left. I picked up a magazine from the rack and started to read. I threw out my garbage and walked around some more. My alarm went off at midnight and I headed home. Once Melanie and I got back everyone was asking us questions.

"Well the winners of hide and seek this week are Melanie and Eva." Gabe said. He cleaned up while we were gone. All of us were tired and our parents loaded up the cars for us to go.

"Whose house is it next time?" I asked. 

"Styles because Charlotte will be back and she'll want to play too." Savannah pointed out. Ethan went in the back and Rose was sleeping in her car seat. I took a nap in my seat. Our dad drove off and we headed home.

Evangeline Payne daughter of Liam PayneWhere stories live. Discover now