Chapter 33

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A/N: Hey lucky duckies and funny bunnies! There are going to be a lot of Pov changes throughout this chapter.

Eden's Pov-
We hugged and I agreed to go to the wedding. I got ready to pull out and dad was going to lead me to the church. I'll be strong today for Tristan and Charlotte. Tomorrow I will cry and it will be all okay.

Eva's Pov-
Our parents told us Eden was coming and for us to head back to the house so we can all head over to the church. We changed back to our dresses and did a quick makeup touch up. Once we got to the house by family we broke up and drove over to the church.

Charlotte's Pov-
I'm so nervous! I made sure my make up and hair was fine. Today is the day my true love and I make a promise to each other and I feel ready. We arrived to the church and I was told to go to the bridal room until everything was set. I waited as my mom came in.
"Hey honey." She said.
"Hey mom." I greeted hugging her.

"Well I know this looks a little immature, but as your mom I wanted to get you something blue you know the saying 'something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue' and truth be told when I was pregnant for you your father and I had gone to a little vintage shop looking for a wedding gift for a mutual friend. I saw this in the glass case and knew I wanted it for you. We bought it and once you had enough hair I was going to give it to you, but it didn't feel right to just give it to a five year old. This is for you." She explained handing me a blue unicorn barrette. I smiled graciously.
"Thank you mom. I love it." I said placing it in my hair.
"Now the reason there is no prince, but a sword is because in this world you need to be your own prince. You are a women and in this society that is deemed as a bad thing. You are a very intelligent women and I know you can prove to the world that women are just as equal to men. So as your father and I give you away please don't loose your good morals." She told me and gave me a kiss on the head. Dad walked in.
"Dad where were you?" I asked.
"I was helping Eden." He said.
"And I'm sure your mom told you everything I was." He added smiling. Soon the church was ready and I was told to walk in. I linked arms with Dad and we walked the aisle. Once we got to the end he turned around to me and gave me a kiss on the head. I walked up to Eddie and after reciting what we were supposed to we both said I do and kissed.
Now we headed to the hall to have the reception.

Evangeline Payne daughter of Liam PayneWhere stories live. Discover now