Chapter 22

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Okay so one thing we should have prepared or at least expected was traffic. A good chunk of the traffic was trying to get past tollways and workers trying to get people organized in parking lot spaces. Rose was watching cartoons on dad's phone. She started eating some snacks mom had packed.
"Rose you silly girl! If you eat all your snacks now what are you going to eat later?" Mom asked her smiling. Dad smiled as he looked at mom from time to time.
"Ev are we meeting them at a certain place or just trying to park together?" Dad asked mom.
"Um...I think they said we should try to park near each other, but if we can't then we're meeting up at the front gate after we go through security." She told him looking around for any of the other guy's cars.
"I think that's Niall's car there." Dad said parking near the car. We got out and unloaded our things. We took out Rose's stroller and put the snacks at the bottom. We left her traveling kit in the car so she wouldn't loose anything. Mom strapped her in and Dad pushed the stroller.
"Hey Uncle Ni!" I yelled hugging him.
"Hey there Eva." He said hugging me back. Aunt Layla was strapping Nevaeh and Angel in their stroller. Uncle Ni pushed them as well. We went through security and waited for the others. Louis came, then Zayn, then finally Harry. The adults wanted to do something quiet first to get the kids settled so we went to the show called 'It's tough to be a bug'. The show included some moments where spray would come out and smelled gross which was supposed to be the smell of a stink bug. By the end the kids were laughing at the bugs. We also went on a animal safari train ride.
"Look Nebaeh a giraffe!" Angel told her sister.
"I like giraffes!" Genevieve told Charlotte.
"You do?" Eddie asked trying to bond with the baby Styles.
"Yeah because thewe weally twall and can reach the sky!" She said excitedly.
"Really? Am I as tall as them?" Eddie asked her.
"No because you're not weally tall." She explained.
"Aw man I wish I could be as tall as a giraffe." Eddie said.
"Me too!" Logan pipped up. When the ride was over and the conductor stopped making corny jokes we headed over to Hollywood Studios. We packed everything up.
"So we're meeting up in the front gate after security check point." Louis told the others and they nodded and we packed into the car. We started to drive it was about thirty minutes away, but we were also going to stop and eat at Golden Nugget. Rose was taking a quick nap and I was reading stories on this app called Wattpad. It was weird to see all these stories about different girls being my dad's daughter or a daughter of one of the boys. Just weird. Ethan was sleeping in the back.
So sorry it's late and short. I wanted to update and I felt bad I've been procrastinating writing this. I've had homework and constant headaches but I will write better chapters.
Comment questions, ideas or character forms!
Have a good day lovelies.

Evangeline Payne daughter of Liam PayneWhere stories live. Discover now