Chapter 29

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So it's been a month and we are down to the day before the wedding. Everyone slept over at my house considering there was more room. Charlotte was able to get her dress a day early and was thrilled. The D.J. was booked and we were setting up the center pieces that matched her bouquet.
She was writing her vows and while we were trying to prep her the boys were helping to prep Eddie. We decided to put a movie on while we get things together. We put the movie Hidden Figures on and was trying to figure out the seating arrangements as well. We started drawing up a chart and moved names around. Families sat with families and people who were in the wedding sat at the head table. We were drinking coffee and trying to get everything done.
"Okay everything is set and stone for tomorrow." Aunt Ruby said. We all nodded.
The movie was pretty good. It showed a lot of women power and I admire that.
"Well what's the theme?" Genevieve asked.
"Well it's-" Charlotte said, but then whispered the rest in her ear.
"Oh that's really pretty." Genevieve complimented.
"I know. I love how it's-" I started to say, but Georgia covered my mouth.
"Why can't we say what the theme is?" Savannah asked.
"Because then they will know." Georgia said.
"Who's they?" Savannah asked clearly confused as all of us were.
"The readers. They are supposed to be guessing." Georgia told her.
"The readers? I think you need sleep and no more coffee." Savannah told her taking her coffee away. Georgia gets a little crazy with caffeine, but we love her anyways. Charlotte and Eden went to buy makeup to stock up on for tomorrow and the guys went to go do whatever guys do the day before a wedding. Mom went to answer her phone.
"What? are a father how does that happen?....we will be there in ten minutes." She said angrily.
"Who was that?" Roxy asked.
"Liam, Harry, Louis, Zayn, Niall, and Eddie. They were at the mall getting the stuff we told them to get and thought it would be funny to have a nerf gun war through out the whole mall. We need to bail them out because on top of that they left their wallets in the car and they're currently holding them until I get there." Mom told us. We started cracking up. Mom left and the rest of us went to bed seeing as it was nine and we had to be up early tomorrow.

Evangeline Payne daughter of Liam PayneWhere stories live. Discover now