Chapter 6

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Tonight was a good night Mom ended up winning with both Park Place and Boardwalk. Rose was put to sleep and Mom and Dad sent us to our rooms making sure to tell us not to go to bed too late because we're going to Uncle Louis's house with the other boys.
"Okay mom don't worry we'll go to bed now." I said while still playing on my phone.
"Okay don't complain to me in the morning when we wake you up. It take us an hour to get there." She said while finishing up her work. I reluctantly went to bed. My alarm went off so I had enough time to get ready. I changed into a pair of jeans and shirt with my converse. I packed my purse with my phone charger, headphones, wallet, gum, and set of keys. Uncle Louis's kids usually make this game of hide and seek but it's in the neighborhood. We can hide anywhere in the neighborhood including stores, but not police stations. We play at nine until midnight and the winners are usually the ones who can make it to midnight without getting caught. Then we rotate houses and neighborhoods every two weeks to keep it fair. You can use weapons such as water balloons, water guns, and any other practical joke supply just no real ones. Our parents know we play and worry. The first time we did it we almost had to shut it down because Uncle Harry and Uncle Zayn (A/N:He's included...sorry) were getting extremely worried but Aunt Perrie (A/N: back in the good old day) calmed them down and told them not to ruin our fun. Sometimes we start early and start around three in the afternoon and send texts out to each other about when we need to come home for a break, but we still play until midnight. I went downstairs and made cereal. Rose was already in the kitchen refusing to eat and insisted she was going to color.
"Rose I'm not going to tell you again to eat." Mom warned.
"No!" Rose yelled at mom.
"Now eat or I'm taking your toys away and you won't play at Uncle Louis's house!" Mom threatened.
"Don't take me back to the oranage." She cried. Mom's eyes widened.
"We would never take you back to the orphanage sweetie you are apart of our family now." She said hugging her.
"I sowie mommy I be good." She said with her face nuzzled in mom's neck.
"Okay Rosie now you need to eat so we can get you packed up." Mom explained. Rose started to eat her Cinnamon Toast Crunch. I made a bowl for myself.
"Hey there Rosie." I greeted while setting my bag on the table.
"Hi Eva." She said still eating. Ethan came down and gave us both a hug. He is a good brother just annoying sometimes.
"Etan look I color Dora!" She said excitedly.
"That's good Rosie." He praised. Once I finished I  washed my bowl and put it to dry. I sat down on the couch. Mom came down with a princess book bag.
"Okay in here are snacks, wipes, and movies for the car." She announced so we knew. Dad came in the room.
"How are my beautiful children this morning?" He asked while hugging each of us.
"Good." I said while we all went in the car. Rose sat in her car seat, I sat next to her, and Ethan sat in the back so he can sleep. The movie on was a Bratz movie and I was on my phone. We started our drive to Uncle Louis's house.

Evangeline Payne daughter of Liam PayneWhere stories live. Discover now