Chapter 14

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"Honey you need to get up." Mom said while shaking me.
"Okay." I said getting up. We slept in the clothes we would be wearing for the plane to make our trip much easier. I brushed my teeth and put my hair in a ponytail. I put my sandals on and went downstairs. Rose was with Ethan and they both were playing with her blocks. Dad came in the room.
"We leave in ten. Make sure you have everything." He said leaving to start up the car. Ethan, Rose, and I followed him out to the car. I helped strap Rose in her car seat. I then went to my side and sat in the chair. Mom came out locking up and climbing in. We drove to the airport and there wasn't any traffic or many people considering we booked a late night/morning flight. We grabbed the suitcases and checked in putting the bags through baggage. We carried our carry on bags going to gate 11. We had about two hours to kill so we set up camp at the gate and waited for the others to show up. The Horans showed up next. Nevaeh and Angel ran up to me.
"Hi Eva!" Angel said.
"Hey girlys." I greeted. Uncle Niall came up behind me.
"Ahhh!" I screamed. Then the Maliks met up with us. Roxy and I ran to each other.
"Hey Roxy." I said to her.
"Hey Eva!" I cheered while both of us hugged. I looked at Gabe.
"Hey!" I said. He gave me a hug.
"Hey Eva." He said sitting on one of the chairs. We waited for the others. The Styles came. Genevieve was the only one of the girls that was with them. Uncle Harry gave me a hug.
"Charlotte is meeting us down there." He said as if he knew what I was thinking.
"What about Eden?" I asked curiously.
"She doesn't have break yet." He said with a little sadness. This is the first year that they aren't traveling all together as a family.
"Oh." Is all I said. Genevieve went to play with the little kids. Finally the Tomlinsons showed.
"Don't blame me for us being the last ones." Aunt Eleanor said to Uncle Louis. You can tell she was being annoyed all the way over here. I hugged Melanie, Savannah, and Georgia. Logan came up to me and hugged me from the side.
"Hey guys!" I said. They all waved. We started to play around. Rose was sitting on our dads lap. She was really tired and wasn't in the mood for anything. Dad was talking with the guys. Nevaeh and Angel kept running around the gate chairs. Their mom tried to catch them but she was also getting really tired of running. Niall whispered something to her and she nodded sitting down catching her breath.
"Nevaeh Dissidence and Angel Anarchy stop right now and come here!" Uncle Niall scolded as they walked over.
"You know better. You are being naughty and if you continue you will be punished." He told them. They started to cry. They ran to their mom and apologized while she cleaned their noses.
"It's okay lovelies. Just stop running, okay?" She asked and the sat next to her cuddling them. Uncle Niall tried to sit next to them, but they were mad at him. He tried to grab Angel to hold her but she kept crying loudly and thankfully nobody was at our gate besides us. Nevaeh then started to scream.
"Niall just leave her here!" Aunt Layla told him. He left Angel alone and they went back to cuddling their mom. Uncle Niall was kind of upset that he couldn't hold one of his baby girls.

Evangeline Payne daughter of Liam PayneWhere stories live. Discover now