Chapter 37

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Word got around fast. I cannot go anywhere without getting looks of sympathy from everyone. I feel numb. I can't cry because I'm afraid I won't be able to stop. Roxy keeps trying to call me like crazy. I responded once, but I haven't left my room. My mom is a wreck and my dad silently cries when he thinks I can't hear him. Rose doesn't get it and thinks Ethan is on vacation or something. Gosh do I envy her for being naïve and believing whatever story was told to her. I try to stay strong and continue with life to get my mind focused on something else. I keep dancing to the point where my feet are bleeding constantly. Nobody has had the strength to step in his room and gather his things. Mom wants to keep some stuff and has put off going in there, not that I blame her. I want him back and I'd give everything to be able to tell him that he's my idol and the best older brother. I am currently dancing in my dance class studio. I have a private so I can just dance and not have to face anyone. I keep spinning even though I can feel my feet about to give out and my breath shorten. I fall to the floor and the try to compose myself. I gather my things and go outside. For some reason I waited to see if Ethan's car would pull up and for him to yell that I was dragging and him give me a goofy smile. That didn't happen instead Uncle Harry picked me up.
"Hey Eva." He greeted giving me a small smile.
"Hey." I simply said clearly mad.
"Why so down?" He asked keeping it totally casual.
I wouldn't normally be upset, but when you loose someone you care about and don't want to remember the last thing you said to him was something like 'your dumb' , then come talk to me about being happy.
"No reason. Look can we go to my house please?" I snapped in which he just rolled his eyes and dropped me off. I ran inside and locked myself in my room again. I was scrolling through social media because why not and found so many headlines about Ethan.
'Latest News! Ethan Payne son of Liam Payne announced as Dead!'
'Ethan Payne Dead?'
'Ethan Payne not worth crying over'
'Ethan Payne Who?'
People were sick and cruel. I showed my dad and he got angry. He wrote something on his phone and said "they should stop for a while Baby Girl".
He gave me a hug. "I miss him Daddy." I cried.
"I know love bug I do too." He cried back.

Evangeline Payne daughter of Liam PayneWhere stories live. Discover now