Chapter 31

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Eva's Pov
We all woke up at six in the morning. I'm so tired, but Charlotte looks like she needs sleep. Everyone looks like chickens running with their heads cut off trying to get ready. I changed into my dress and started eating.
"Eva if you eat you're going to get dirty and we don't have time to get it cleaned." Aunt Ruby said.
"If it gets dirty then it gets dirty. I'm not going to starve myself, it's not my wedding nobody will be looking at me. I'll just put something over to cover." I said shrugging my shoulders. She smiled and continued to get Genevieve ready. The girls were a little wild getting ready and the moms were frustrated. The dad's took over to allow the moms time to get ready. I felt like a creeper watching them while eating my cereal. I washed my dish and went on my phone. All of us older girls were ready and catching up with Eden.
"So we saw pictures of Tristan and you when you guys went on vacation how is he?" I asked.
"Tristian joined the Army and is due to come back next week." She said smiling. They have dated for three years and is are each other's counter parts. She was getting a call and excused herself. After five minutes we heard a cry. It wasn't like a panicked cry, but more of a cry for pain. Aunt Ruby went to check on Eden.
"Eden what's wrong?" Georgia asked as she came out of the room covered in tears.
"Um...Tristan had stepped on a land mine trying to save a little kid. He didn't make it." She said closing her eyes. His funeral is in two days and his family want me to come." She said crying and shaking violently. Her mom took her to a different room to calm her down.

Eden's Pov
We walked into the room. She let me cry until I couldn't anymore.
"He died a noble death. He did something he knew was right." Mom tried comforting.
"He left me mom. He'd said he'd be back next week. I just want him here. It's not fair that Charlotte can get married and have the love of her life by her side when mine died!" I yelled.
"Do you hear yourself. I understand you are upset. I'd be too, but it's already done. He helped save a child and now because of him they may grow to change the world. That was his destiny." She scolded.
"Well it sucks. I'm not going to the wedding." I said. Mom looked alarmed as dad came in.
"What do you mean? You aren't going to be there for your sister? She wants you there and you'd be letting her down." Dad said. My eyes widened.
"What? Who is going to be there for me? My boyfriend just died and you want me to go to a celebration of love?" I asked astonished.
"Not everything is about you Eden. This is your sister's day." He said getting angry. My anger was beyond at this point.
"You're only saying that because Charlotte is your favorite. If the roles were switched you wouldn't even think of letting Charlotte showing up if she wasn't in the mood to go." I yelled and he punched a hole in the wall. I grabbed some clothes and my bag. I walk out the room where all eyes are on me. I walk up to Charlotte.
"Eden. You know he loves us all three the same. Show up please." She tried to reason.
"It's not about that. Sorry I'm bailing, but you'd do the same." I said heading to my car to take a drive.

Evangeline Payne daughter of Liam PayneWhere stories live. Discover now