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Silence. Silence. Tension.

Suji sighed for what seems like the 14th time since they got in his car. She was hesitating whether or not to ask him anything but with him not saying anything, and just driving with a cold expression made it hard for her.

She got cut from her thoughts when she suddenly felt the car drift and pull over to the side of the road. She widened her eyes and turned to her boyfriend as he was setting the car to park while turning the engine off.

He sighed deeply and laid his head on his seat rest. Closing his eyes as he laid his hands on his lap.

"What are you doing?" Suji asked as she stared at him confused.

"What's wrong with you." Sehun suddenly asked lowly - causing Suji to feel chills roll down her spine at the hardness in his voice.

There was a pause as Suji gulped when her eyes met with Sehun's hard ones. She bit her lip as he just stared at her.

He exhaled deeply.

" Suj-"

"How do you feel about me being friends with
Jaebum?" Suji suddenly asked him. He paused, probably trying to comprehend what his girlfriend just asked and slowly narrowed his eyes.

She stared at him anticipatingly. She doesn't know why she asked him that particular question. But she knew she wanted to know how he felt about her having a guy friend that wasn't one of his friends.

She couldn't help but notice the clutch in his jaw. She sighed quietly.

He doesn't like it.

"Jaebum?" He spoke with unsureness but also there was an edge in his voice, as if he was muttering a curse.

Suji quickly nodded.

" Yeah. Like do you like him? As a friend? " Suji carefully asked.

Sehun frowned.

"He's not my friend." Sehun coldly said while shaking his head.

"Yeah but I'm asking how do you feel about me being friends with him.. " Suji hesitantly asked again while fiddling with her hands but still staring at him.

There was a pause. Sehun didn't exactly like the idea of his girl being friends with a new guy whom she doesn't even know, besides his name.

"I don't like it." Sehun broke off the silence. He spoke the truth.

"Why?" Suji asked quietly with furrowing eyebrows. She frowned deeply.

Wait. This didn't make sense to her. All she wanted was to be friends with the new kid. He had no reason not to like Jaebum, especially not knowing him.

Sehun sighed and closed his eyes.

" Suji-"

"Is it because he's my friend and not yours? Or is it because you just don't trust me enough." Suji snapped as she glared at him.

Pause. Sehun opened his eyes and turned to her.

"What. Wh-where is this all coming from?! " Sehun frustratedly asked as he ruffled his hair. He was flabbergasted by now.

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