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The next day, Suji was doing everything in her power to get over what happened to her. She was cooking, watching TV, cleaning etc. but no matter how hard she did all that, she was reminded of that horror scene.

She was getting calls from her parents, friends, and boyfriend. But she didn't have the desire to answer any of them at all because she didn't know how to face them. It was just a picture too fresh in her mind. If she told any of them, they would surely want to kill Dabin. She didn't want to hurt anybody.

Trying to do anything to get it off her mind, she decided to take a walk around the neighborhood. It didn't matter where her feet took her, she just needed to get out. And that's what she did.

As she walked, only questions popped into her mind. She was beyond confused even if she was uncomfortable inside.

Did that really happen? Why did he do that? Did he really try to touch me? If Christian didn't come, would I have been done for? Was it the alcohol?

All these questions popped in her head and she didn't know how to answer them. Sighing, she took a seat on a bench in the park. You're fine Suji. She told herself as she watched others playing around, living their lives without a care in the world. She smiled, sort of feeling light as the wind carried her hair. She sort of felt her worries flying with the wind. But she knew the feeling wouldn't last too long.

"How's school, Sehun-ah?" Mr. Oh asked as he glanced at his only son from across the dinner table, curiously. Sehun only glanced at his phone and turned back to his dad.

"O-oh, it's better now." Sehun answered, taking a spoonful of his food into his mouth. The Oh's were having a family dinner but the parents noticed that their son was not paying attention to anything that was being said.

"I know it's your junior year," His dad continued, "I just wanna know what your plans are for after high school." Sehun turned to him.

"Honey, he told us before," His mom chimed in with a grin. "He wants to do Law enforcement. Become a police officer." His mom proudly said with a grin, turning to Sehun.

"Well, whatever you wish to do Sehun-ah, we support you." His dad said, grinning at him. Sehun smiled with a nod. "Eo, I'll work hard."

"And Suji?" His dad continued, "Did you guys talk about your futures?"

"Yeah, she wants to be a teacher." Sehun answered with a little grin. His dad's eyebrows rose interested. "Oh! Wae?"

"Because she wants to help others." His dad smiled. "Sounds like her."

As they continued eating, Sehun could only glance at his phone. Waiting for a certain someone to text him. But he got nothing. His parents noticed his anxious expression.

"Is everything okay?" His mother asked, worriedly staring at Sehun. He only shrugged, turning his phone upside down and picked at his food. "You fight with Suji?" Sehun shook his head.

"Why do you always think we got in a fight when I'm distressed?" Sehun asked, causing his parents to chuckle a bit.

"Ani, we just know that she's the only one who can get a rise out of you without doing anything." His mother said.

Sehun sighed, "She just isn't picking up to my calls or answering my messages. So, I'm just a little anxious." Sehun truthfully spoke to his parents. He was just confused. She didn't answer his calls nor his messages; it was just unusual for her since she always texted him simple things about her day.

"Didn't you say she was with her family? They're hanging out?" Sehun nodded, turning to his dad. "Then she should be fine. She's probably not answering because she's busy."

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