~24 (2)~

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After Sehun still told her everything about his past relationship and simply enjoying one another's companies, she was reminded by Jimin about the family dinner that was planned. Sehun insisted on driving her to Jimin's house.

"Sehun, I have to go in."

Sehun let out a deep sigh. He had finally gotten back his girl but it was only for a short while because now she had to go. Here they were, parked across the street from Jimin's house, sitting in Sehun's car because neither of them wanted to go anywhere.

"I know princess, but I just want to be selfish for a couple of seconds." He spoke in a soft tone, resting his head on the seat while watching her. Suji silently watched him in awe as he played with their intertwined hands that were resting in his lap. He definitely had no intentions of letting go.

Gently fixing his hair with her free hand, "Why don't you just come in with me?" Suji suddenly suggested with a grin, staring at him with glimmering eyes.

Sehun only let out a timid smile and slowly shook his head, "Tonight's dinner should only be for family members babe."

"I'm sure everyone will be fine with it. They all like you." Suji retorted. It was true; most of everyone in Suji's family already met or knew of Oh Sehun. They all liked him; even her strict uncles approved of him.

He chuckled a bit, raising his hand and gently tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "As much as I would like to come in, I think that tonight should just be you and them. It's been a while since you've had a real family dinner."

Suji defeatedly nodded her head. "Yeah, you're right." She sighed, slowly grabbing her bag from the backseat. She placed it in her lap with a little breath, turning back to him. He was still staring at her. Before she could say anything, her phone rang. She pulled it out and saw the caller.

"Who is it?" Sehun asked with a yawn.


"Hello?" She greeted, watching Sehun play with her fingers again. "I'm outside."

"Noona, they're telling me to rush you," He said. "Can you please hurry? There's like relatives in here that have no business getting into my business."

Suji snickered, "Okay. I'm coming in right now. Keep them busy for a little." With that she hung up and turned to her man with a little smile. "I have to go now." He only nodded at her, sulkingly. "Mm.."

As she was putting her stuff in her bag, she could only feel Sehun's piercing eyes on her. Suji felt her face heat up a bit, but she wanted to tease him a little. "Wae? Am I pretty to look at?" She jokingly asked.

He nodded, "Eo," He flatly answered. "You will never know just how beautiful you are to me Bae Suji." He added, caressing her hair.

"Oh Sehun." She whispered, ears warming up.

He chuckled softly at her. "I have something for you." He suddenly said, reaching in the back behind Suji's seat for his little gift. Suji blinked, confused. Once in his lap, Suji let out a gasp as she stared at the cute little gift basket. He smiled, happy she liked it as he slowly put it in her lap, watching Suji admire his efforts.

"When did you make this?" She grinned, completely in awe. The gift basket consisted of all the things that she loved; milk chocolate bars, heating pads, different types of candies (Japanese), lip glosses/ balms and cute little stuffed animals. There were also 2 specific red and white roses in the basket, which Suji loved.

Sehun, a bit flustered by the love, rubbed his neck. "Well, being sick, I had a lot of time to think about what I wanted to do to get you back. It's not much but..."

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