6-Character sketch 2

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  King of business world. Owner of AR INDUSTRY. 23 year old.
Started business at the age of 16. Live with his nani and her family. Parents were murdered when he was of 4 years. A stone hearted,hot headed,arrogant,shrewd businessman with high IQ. He respects women a lot and waiting for his destined one. Best fashion designer. Best writer and male singer. Chairman of AR INDUSTRY which include AR Designs,AR hospitals,AR Education,AR Construction,AR hotels and resturant,AR ENTARTAINMENT and AR publishing house,AR musics,AR Travels.
Grandmother of ASR. Mother of Ratna and Manoher. Headstrong lady. When her son-in-law and daughter were brutally killed,she took 4 year old Arnav with her. When constant threats were on Arnav's life,she moved to USA with her family. Religious lady. Loves her Arnav a lot. Lovingly calls him CHHOTE.

Younger brother of Ratna. He married Manorama who was a middle class girl from Lukhnow. Loves his family lot. ASR is apple of his eyes. Now manages AR EDUCATION which manages all the international schools and orphanages under ARI.
Married to Manohar. Loves him a lot. A modern lady with traditional values. Her Arnav beta is her life. Ratna had saved her life more than once. Was bestfriend with Ratna. Mother of Aksh
21 year old. Completed his study as a doctor. Now CEO of AR group of Hospitals which has branches all over world. One of the best neurologist in world. Loves his elder brother with his life. Single. Hot and handsome. 6"2 height. Loves his family more than anything
Best friend of ASR. Lovingly called as Amu by nani and mami of ASR. 25 year old. CEO of AR CONSTUCTION which is best construction company in world and has branches in mistly every state of world. Met ASR during his study in Havard. Orphan. Lives with ASR and family.
Girlfriend of Aman. 23 year old. Parents were best friend of Manohar and Manorama. Died in plane crash when she was 15. From then lives with Raizada family. Little sister of ASR and Di for Aksh. Loves her brothers to death. Cute,funny,crazy,determined and always smiling. Now CEO of AR HOTELS AND RESTURANTS. Very talented at work.
21 year old best friend of Aksh. Lives with Raizada family. He is the 3rd son of Mr Abinash khurrana. His father didnot want him as hos son due to his passion of writting. For him Nikhil was a disgrace for KHURRANA FAMILY. So he moved in with Raizadas. He loves and respects ASR to death. He was there for him when he was all alone. He was there when his elder brothers used to bully him. He was the one who brought him up.ASR is his father,elder brother,guide,guardian. Now CEO of AR ENTERTAINMENT and AR PUBLISHING HOUSE. And also one of the best writer and director.
19 year old. Lives with Raizada family. Her step-father sold her to some people in India. She was brought to NYC to be sold. Somehow she escaped. Fainted infront of Santivan. When security informed ASR rushed her to hospital. Was in trauma for 1 year. ASR is her legal guardian and she loves him like her father. He is her bhai. In love with NK. Now a singing sensation. CEO of AR MUSICS. Called as Lavi by ASR and LKR by her fans
HARI PRAKASH,OM PRAKASH,JAI PRAKHASH and their wives SAKU,MALTI and KAMINI are loyal servants of ASR's paternal family.

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