Let us play a game

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   Shyam Manohar Jha,a most wanted criminal of India,was sitting in a bar and drinking his alcohol. There were some other men too who were busy discussing their new business venture"weapon selling". Shyam was the son of their leader,so their new leader. And Shyam was much more ruthless,heartless than his father. So most of the members of his gangs were afraid of him. And this fear made him satisfied. Yes he was a sadistic. He enjoyed when others were in pain. He had joined his father in crime world after he killed his mother in his own hands. And it gave him immense pleasure.
  While sipping his drink,he was eyeing the girl on the dance floor. She was a beauty with seductive smile and very good body. And she was Shyam Manohar Jha's prey tonight. He would enjoy her in every way. Then kill her slowly and painfully for the enjoyment of the beast inside him.
   His trance got broken when the girl stopped her dance. And he looked at the television in the room. There was a live news of ARI Fashion show was going on. Shyam remembered that palace. That was where he second time killed someone and first time enjoyed a woman. The Sheesh Mahal. He wondered why there was a event on that palace. He and his father had several times tried to buy that palace. But government never approved. Then who those people were.
    And Shyam got his answers when ASR entered the stage. He clutched the glass in his hand so tight that it broke into pieces. He was angry beyond limit. Their enemy had come full prepared. There was no way they could touch him. And he dared to stand and announce his presence.
  When Raizada family took Arnav,Shyam wanted to wipe the family out. But his father and Malik stopped him. And now that boy has returned having more power than they could ever think. It frustruated Shyam.
  Raghav,the right hand man of Shyam saw this and he took the glass pieces from his hand carefully. Then he bid bye to all others and took Shyam to his home.
   But they failed to notice a man sitting in the far corner. He was smirking at the scene. He walked out of the place and walked to his car.
  Indeed the game had started.
  The same man from the bar entered Sheesh Mahal. He was going to live there with the peoples who accepted gim with love. Yes,he was Commisoner of Lukhnow police,Dhruv Mallik,child of Mayuri Mallik and Abhay Mallik. After the death of his mother,he was living with his uncle. And he had vowed to destroy Abhay Mallik and his associates from root. So he became an IPS officer. But he couldnot do much as they had power and money. And when Arnav Singh Raizada contacted him for association in destroying Abhay and his associates,he readily agreed. And after meeting Arnav in person,he respected the young lad a lot. Arnav was younger than him,but the aura of him made Dhruv respect him.
  Raizada family was having dinner when Dhruv entered. Arnav,who was coming down was first to see him. He went near him and hugged him.
Arnav"Nani,he is Dhruv. Dhruv Mallik,commisoner of Lukhnow police and son of Mayuri chachi. He is a part of our family now."
Arnav said looking towards his family. All nodded. Anjali and La smiled cheerfully to Dhruv and Nani patted his head lovingly. Mama and Mami blessed him and Aman,Aksh and NK did a bro hug. Dhruv was overwhelmed with their love. He had never experienced this much attention from anyone. And seeing Nani pestering him to eat some more,Mami feeding him,Anjali winking him and Arnav looking at him with love and adoration made him want to cry. But he didnot want to hurt the feelings of his family. Yes they were his family.
  After finishing dinner,everyone retired to bed as it was a hectic day.
   In another part of the city,in a dark room cries and prayer of a woman could be heard. It was Shyam Manohar Jha. After finishing his beastly need,he killed the girl brutally. Then cleaned her so no proof could be found. Then his trusted man Raghav took the body and threw it away.
  He washed his bloody hands and laughed hysterically. The more he killed,the more the urge to kill was increasing. And it wad giving him immense pleasure. After several drinks he slept.
Unknown to him,the days of his tears were rapidly approaching.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2017 ⏰

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