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Starting off with one of my best friend's ships! Love ya, MarielaCasta Sorry if it's not the greatest.

Yellow stars in the sky reminded them of the time Bruce took her to the planetarium.

He remembered the look in her eyes and the smile on her face as she looked up at the bright beautiful stars.

He wore a yellow shirt when they had first met. It was simple, but still had memories behind it.

There was a stain on the shirt from when she accidentally spilled coffee on him. He remembered how she apologized over and over, and the relieved look in her eyes when he said that it was fine.

The yellow dress she wore on their first date, and how lovely she looked in it. Bruce can remember his blushing face as he thought to himself, "Wow, she's beautiful."

The pale yellow walls of the cafe they visited one Saturday, that sold slightly burnt cookies and smelled like old books. He remembered the smile on her face each time they came there.

Yellow, like the gold specks of dust on the engagement ring he had gotten her for their 4-year-anniversary.

He remembered her wearing the yellow blouse he had gotten her the night he proposed. He remembered the way her eyes light up like lights and the happy tears in her eyes as she said yes.

Yellow, like cover of wedding magazines that sprawled across their apartment. He remembered the way she had told him over the phone how she had found the perfect dress.

Now, all he could think of was those memories as she walked down the aisle, a bouquet of yellow flowers in her hands.

Yellow, he thought to himself, is my favorite color.

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