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Klaus remained speechless for some time and we all stood there in silence.   "No."  He finally said.  "This is impossible.  Vampires cannot procreate."  

"No, but werewolves can."  Sophie said.  "Magic turned you into a vampire, but you were born a werewolf.  You're the Original hybrid.  The first of your kind.  And this pregnancy is one of nature's finest loopholes."  

Klaus turned back to Hayley and started towards her.  "You've been with someone else, just admit it!"  He said.  Elijah and I had to hold him back.  "Hey, I've been held captive for days on a freaking alligator bayou because they think I'm carrying some magical miracle baby.  Don't you think I would have fess'd up if it wasn't yours?"    I tried to hide my grin.  Hayley, sarcastic as always.  

"Jane Anne gave up her life, to preform the spell she needed to confirm all this.  And because of that, the lives of this girl, and the baby are controlled by us.  So help us take down Marcel, or Hayley won't live long enough to see her first maternity dress."  Sophie announced.  "Wait what?"  Hayley cried.  Sophie tok a needle from her pocket and stuck herself with it.  "Ow!"  Hayley yelled.  She looked at her hand.  It was bleeding in the exact sae spot where Sophie stuck herself.  

"I linked Hayley with me."  Sophie said. "So whatever happens to her, happens to me. That's one of the other things Jane Anne was doing." Elijah stepped forward.  "Enough of this.  You want Marcel dead, he's dead.  I'll do it myself."  Sophie shook her head.  "No.  We have a plan we need to follow and there are rules."  Klaus stared hardly at Sophie.  "How dare you command me.  Threaten me!  With what you think are my greatest weaknesses, I won't hear any more lies."  

Klaus began to walk out but Elijah stopped him.  "Niklaus."  He said.  "Listen."    Klaus stopped and looked at down at Hayley's pregnant stomach.  "Kill her and the baby."  And he left.  

"Screw this,  I'm out of here!"  Hayley tried to leave, but Agnes and Katie blocked her way.    Elijah started to leave.  "I'll fix this."  "No, Elijah wait!"  I called.  He turned around.  "Let me do it.  He listens to me."  Elijah shook his head.  "No, Tessalynn.  He might try to pummel all his rage and shock out on you."  "Elijah it's ok.  I can deal with Niklaus.  I've been through a lot, and dealing with our stubborn older brother is one of them. Please Elijah."  

"Fine. Go quickly."  I smiled and hugged him.  "Thank you."  I left under the moonlit graveyard.


I found Klaus walking quickly away down the French Quarter.  It must be late, because nobody was dancing in the streets as they were before.  "Niklaus, wait."  I called.  

He didn't answer, he just kept walking.  With my vampire speed, I stopped in front of him, causing him to stop walking.   "Come to give a me a lecture on the joys of fatherhood, now are you."

 "No, Klaus, I think Elijah and Sophie said everything they needed to this evening."  Klaus looked around.  "I forgot how much I loved this town."  I stood quietly.  "I never forgot.  All the centuries we spent together, and I can count on just one of my hands the one time our family has been really and truly happy.  I hated leaving here Klaus."  

"As did I."  Klaus agreed.  "Why don't you tell me what you've been wanting to say for a while now, Nik."  I said.   Klaus nodded.  "For over a thousand years, I've lived in pure fear.  If we settled anywhere and became the least bit happy, our father would chase us off and try to kill us."  I knew how he felt.  Our father Mikael, was a vampire who hunted vampires and he has been trying to kill my siblings and I since we turned.  But Klaus killed him a couple months ago.  

 "He made me feel as if I had no power."  Klaus went on, "And I hated it.  This city was my home once, and while I was gone, Marcel has gotten everything I ever wanted.  Power.  Loyalty.  Family.  I made him into my image and he has bettered me.  I want what he has.  I want to be king."  Klaus looked me in the eye.   "I think that this baby will bring you want you really want."  I said. "And what's that?"  Klaus asked. "The unconditional love of family."  Klaus smiled slightly. "Every king needs a lair. Hayley will stay at the plantation house with us and once we have earned Marcel's trust we'll move into the compound.  I'll go tell Sophie Deveraux we have a deal."   I smiled.  "Oh Nik, thank you!"  He nodded curtly and walked off.


I went straight home to Rebekah and told her everything.  "So.. Klaus is a father now? To Hayley's child?  Quite surprising I must say."  I laughed.  

"Oh Bekah, don't be so rude.  This baby might be good for him."  I answered.  She shrugged.  "Well, I finished cleaning, because you and Elijah took so bloody long.  You're room's ready also."  I grinned.  "Thanks."  Rebekah walked over to the counter and picked up a slip of paper.  "Someone dropped this off at the door.  There's a masquerade party in the French Quarter compound tomorrow night.  We should go. Clear our minds off all this baby and Marcel and Klaus drama for one night."  I nodded.  Even though Klaus was trying to get the compound back from Marcel, and it was Marcel's, I wanted to go.  Just make sure Marcel did'nt see us, was all. "Sure. Why not?'  Just then, the front door opened and Elijah strode in with Hayley.  

"Hayley!"  I said.  "Are you alright?"  She nodded.  "Yeah, just tired."  She answered shakily.  "Well you're room's upstairs love, if you want to call it a night."  Rebekah said.  Hayley nodded and walked up the stairs.  Once we heard the door shut upstairs, Elijah focused his attention onto me. "What happened with Niklaus?"  He asked.  

I beamed.  "He listened Elijah!  He went to go tell Sophie that we have a deal!"  Elijahsmiled.  "Thank you Tessalynn.  You really are quite the help when it comes to our brother."  "Anytime."  I said.   "I'll do anything to help you Elijah, you know that."  I looked from him to Rebekah.  "Always and forever."  


Always and Forever   (An Original Vampire Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now