The Party

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The next morning, I came downstairs and heard voices.   One of them was Elijah's and the other one was Hayley's.  "How does it feel to be a mother?"  I heard Elijah ask.  There was a slight pause before Hayley answered.  "Well, my birth parents gave me up and my adoptive parents kicked me out as soon as I turned.  So, I don't know what it's like to be a mother because I never really had a good one."   I heard Elijah walking.  "I'll always protect you.  You have my word on that."   I smiled.  Elijah was always the noble one.  I heard high heels clicking and Rebekah walked in.  "Morning sister!"  Ready to go dress shopping?"  

I jumped.

 "Bekah, you scared me."  I said.  "Sorry.  If we want to get the best masks and dresses for the party, we have to go early.  So let's hurry."  Suddenly, Elijah walked in from the other room.  "What party are you speaking of?"  He asked us.  Rebekah and I looked at each other.    

"There's masquerade party tonight and Tessa and I are going."  Rebekah announced.  We planned on not telling Elijah or Klaus because the party was in Marcel's compound and Marcel couldn't know we were back in town. W e couldn't risk him seeing Rebekah and I, but we wanted to sneak out anyways to have a little fun.   Plus, it'll ruin Klaus's plan for power.  "Where is this party?"  Nik walked in and I knew our little secret was over.

 "Marcel's compound."  I muttered.   Klaus's nostrils flared.  "What? No.  You're not going."  "Nik, come on."  Rebekah whined.  "Marcel and his vampires are already getting antsy  because I'm back. How do you think he'll feel when he figures out that all of us are back?  And with a pregnant werewolf?"  Klaus said.  I was silent.  "We can't take risks right now girls.  Marcel doesn't know we're living here, so it would be best if you both stayed here tonight. "  Elijah said.    I stepped towards Klaus.  

"Klaus listen.  We've ran from our father for over a thousand years.  When you killed him, we were all free.  We ran from him for so long,  we were never found unless we wanted to be found.  Rebekah and I won't let Marcel see us.  We'll have masks on and stay in the shadows, while having a good time at the same time."  I looked at him and Elijah.  "Please.  Rebekah and I want to have a little fun before things get serious."   My brothers looked at one another and Klaus sighed.  "Fine.  But if you let Marcel see you, god help me I'll dagger both of you for another 20 years."  I smiled and ignored his warned.  "Thank you Klaus!" I kissed both my brothers on the cheek and   slung my purse over my shoulder.  "Come on now Rebekah, we want to be the prettiest girls of the party tonight!"


"We have to shop quickly so Marcel doesn't see us while he's walking around town punishing witches and such."  Rebekah said.  "Of course.  Oh, let's go in here."    I opened the door to a dress shop and immediately started looking around.  Rebekah and I tried on a couple dresses, but we found the right ones instantly.  Rebekah's was sparkly black sleeveless dress and mine was a long sleeved  red lace dress and it was open in the back.   Bekah's mask was black with glitter and feathers and my mask was red and black with a red flower on the side.  "Perfect."  Rebekah said.  She strolled up to the register and stared at the lady.  "We don't have to pay for these right?"  She compelled her.  

 "No of course not."  The lady answered.  "Thank you."  As we walked out I shoved Rebekah a little bit.  "Rebekah!  Why did you do that?"  She shrugged.  I rolled my eyes and we quickly headed back to the house.  


Later that day, it was time to get ready.  I quickly did my makeup and got dressed.  I walked down the stairs and Elijah was standing at the bottom of them.  He smiled when he saw me.  "You look absolutely beautiful sister."  He said to me.  "Thanks."  I saw Hayley standing in the corner.  "I'm sorry you can't come."  I said.  "Yeah well, wouldn't want Marcel knowing there's a werewolf in town.  This town's supposed to be werewolf free from what I heard."    I nodded.  She smiled.  "You look gorgeous.  Have fun tonight. "  "I will."  

Rebekah came down the stairs.  She looked absolutely stunning.  Klaus came and stood besides Elijah.  "Well you both look dashing."  Klaus said.  "Where are your masks?"  We both held ours up.  "Good.  Stay hidden.  If you see Marcel, come right home. I can't even believe I'm letting you go tonight."  "Klaus, it's ok.  We'll be fine."  I said.  "Now let's go.  We can't be late."  I said to Rebekah.  I opened the door.  I waved to my brothers and Hayley and Rebekah and I set off for the French Quarter.


 The compound was a bunch of rooms all joined together by a wraparound balcony and the balcony overlooked a plaza down below.  It was a big space and that was where the party was going to held because there was room for dancing.  Music blared from the compound and I got excited.  We were here.   Rebekah and I entered the compound and put our masks on.  There were so many people.  Women with fancy dresses and men with nice suits.  "Marcel invited humans here?"  I whispered to Rebekah. She nodded.  "Always the people pleaser."    

A boy came right up to Rebekah and asked her to dance.  They couldn't even see her face, yet boys already adored my older sister.  She walked away with the boy and I was alone.  I sighed and went to the bar.  Yes, I was 17 but in truth I was about 1000 years old.  So I could drink alcohol.  I sat down at a stool and ordered a tequila.  I didn't see Marcel, so we were in the clear for now.  I quickly drank my drink and got up.  But as I did, I bumped into a boy.  He took off his mask.  "Sorry."  He said.  "My mistake.  I'm so clumsy."  I felt my knees go wobbly.  His eyes were so bright and blue and his smile was amazing.  I shook myself out of it.  I haven't done that in a while.  "It's alright.  I have to go."  I walked past him and into a corner.  


A couple hours later.  A waltz came on.  "Find a partner and join us on the dance floor!"  The DJ said. I sat down because I knew no one would dance with me.  Just then I saw a shadow in front of me.  I looked up and saw the same boy that I bumped into earlier tonight.  "Would you like to dance?"  He asked, and extended his hand towards me.  I looked around hesitantly and finally gave in.  "Why not?"  I took his hand and walked out onto the dance floor.


"So what's your name?"  The boy put a hand on my waist and I shivered. He clasped my hand and we started to dance to the music.  "Tessa. What's yours?"  "Matt."  "Well, it's a pleasure to meet you Matt."  "The pleasure is mine."  I felt my face grow hot.  "So why don't you ever take your mask off?"  Matt asked me.  "Well, I'm technically not supposed to be here.   So I have to stay hidden.  Sort of."  Matt laughed.  "What, someone's out to get you?"  Pretty much.  "No, it's just I'm not really allowed here right now."  Matt smiled.  "I see it's complicated.  Forget I asked."

 I nodded.  

"That would be great."  The song was coming to an end.  I sort of didn't want to end this dance.  Just then, Matt dipped me and I was looking up at him.  "Thanks for the dance."  He hoisted me back up and our faces were oddly close to each other.   "No problem."  I breathed.  The song ended then.  I let go of Matt's hand and his other hand slid off my waist.  Flustered, I quickly walked away into a dark corner where the music was dimmer and there weren't any people.  I paced the hall.  I haven't felt like this or acted like this in front of a guy in ages.  Not after what happened in 1885.  "Tessalynn Mikaelson."  I shot out of my thoughts.

 I froze.  

That voice sounded so familiar.  I slowly turned around.  Marcel.   I stood dumbly in shock and fear.  Klaus is going to kill me.  Not knowing what to do, I vampire sped away, trying to find Rebekah.  We needed to leave.  Now.  


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