Plan B Bites

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I got ready for my date with Matt.   My heart pounded as I pinned my hair up in front of the mirror in my room.   I walked downstairs.

 "Klaus I'm leaving!"  I called as I opened the door.  

Hayley walked in.  "He's already gone."  She said.

"So is Rebekah.  So I guess it's just me."  She laughed.  

"I'll be back soon.  Don't worry."  I said.  

"Ok.  Enjoy your date."


I walked down to Roussau's.   I saw Matt waiting at the entrance.   

He waved. I waved back shyly.  

He wore a dress shirt and jeans.  His dark brown hair was slicked back.  

I walked over to him.  "You look great."    He said.

I blushed.  "So do you."

"Ready to eat?"  He asked.  I nodded.

"Well, then let's go."


W sat at an outdoor table overlooking the Quarter's streets.  Since I could control my blood lust, I was allowed to eat real food.  

We ordered and I watched people going by in the street.  

"So, tell me your background."  Matt said.  "Why did you come here?"  

I took a deep breath and tried to give him a story without telling him what I really was.

"Well, I'm an orphan.  My parents died when I was young.  My younger brother Henrik, died, and so did my two older brothers, Kol and Finn.  So now I live with my two other older brothers, Elijah and Klaus, and my older sister Rebekah."  

"Wow."  Matt nodded.  "I'm sorry for all your losses.  It must be hard."

The food came.

"Well, not really.  My siblings and I are always there for each other, and we'll always protect each other through everything."  

I took a bite of my jambalaya.  

"Now it's your turn."  I said.  

"My mom and dad are divorced.  My mom is back in New Jersey, but I chose to live with my dad, so when his job got transferred to New Orleans, we had to pack up and move.  I'm an only child, so it's pretty lonely.  I haven't made any friends yet in school.  I like being alone anyways.  But it's always nice to have at least one friend."

I grinned.  "I'm your friend. "

"Yeah. You are.  And that's pretty nice."

We laughed and talked for the rest of the date.  

"Excuse me.  I have to use the restroom."  Matt got up.

I turned back towards the street and watched the people again.

Suddenly, I saw two familiar figures walking.  

It was Marcel and Klaus.  

They were talking.  I put my hair behind my ear and with my vampire hearing, listened to their conversation.  

"My sisters are getting worked up over Elijah's absence.  They would like him back, and so would I." Klaus said. 

"Well, my guys are scared.  Four Originals in town? Forget it.  It makes them nervous.  I would love to help you out but if I hand Elijah back now, it might give the wrong impression as to who is really in charge here."  Marcel answered.

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