Worse By the Day

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Hey guys!  Here's a nice long chapter for yaa:)    its going to be so intense you cant even believe!!   its just so amazing and sad at the same time omgg;) this was my favorite chapter to write! PLEASE COMMENT YOUR REACTIONS AND VOTE FOR ME!  happy reading!

I loved living in the compound.  Davina and I had so much fun together. 

We sat in her room or my room, just talking.  Sometimes Rebekah would join us, or Hayley.

The witches didn't find us for a while, but one day, something happened that made everything go downhill.

I woke up one morning and didn't hear Davina moving around in her room.

I opened the connecting door and saw Davina in her bed, breathing heavily.

I ran over to the bedside.

"Davina! What's going on?"  I asked in alarm.

She shook her head.

"I don't know. I think I'm sick."

"But you're a witch, you can't get sick.  Unless-"

I gasped and ran out of the room.

"Marcel!"  I yelled.

He came out of his room in an instant.

"What is it?  What's wrong?" 

"There's something wrong with Davina." 

We both ran into her room.

"Marcel inched towards Davina.

"D, tell me what's happening."

Suddenly, Davina sat up and raised her arms.

"Go away!" 

With one quick motion, Davina flung Marcel up and against the wall. 

He came crashing down.

I ran over to help him up.

"Davina!"  I scolded.

"I don't know why I just did that."  She exclaimed. 

Klaus opened the door just then.

"What's with all the ruckus?"  He commanded.

He looked around.

Davina broke the silence by coughing.  More like hacking. 

We all turned to look at her.

She was doubled over, coughing up mounds of dirt.

"What in God's name?"  I heard Klaus say under his breath.

"Call Sophie."  Marcel ordered.  

 I whipped out my phone but suddenly, the entire compound began to shake.  Like an earthquake. 

Marcel, Klaus and I ran out onto the balcony.  Elijah and Hayley ran out of the room next to us and Rebekah down below.

"What the bloody hell is happening?"  Bekah shouted.

I stared down at her, hesitant to answer.



Sophie came in an instant.  

'What's going on with Davina?"  She asked.

Marcel looked grim.

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