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Tessalynn's P.O.V:

"What do you mean, she's missing?"   I asked, emphasizing on the word missing.

"I mean she's gone.  Not here."  Klaus snapped.

"Nik please.  If Hayley wasn't carrying your child, you wouldn't care where she ran off to."  Rebekah turned to me.

"I came down to talk to Hayley like an hour ago, and she was gone.  Now we don't know where she is. We searched all around here."

"She was outside walking around when she was last seen.  But Rebekah didn't know that."  Elijah said.

A thought crossed my mind.

"Could Marcel have taken her?"

Everyone was silent.

Anger clouded Klaus's face. 

"I'll go ask.  He better not have."  And he walked out.

"If Klaus will go and check the Quarter, there's only one other place we need to check.''  I said.

"And what's that?"  Elijah asked.

"The bayou."

Hayley's P.O.V:

I woke up in a small room with my hands bound behind me with rope. 

What the hell is this?  I thought.

Just then, the door swung open and I gasped.

It was Tyler Lockwood.

"Tyler, what's going on?"  I asked.

"I brought you here for a reason Hayley.  You say you're going to help some wolf pack, and then you run off and get pregnant with my arch enemy?" 

I hung my head.

Tyler was right. 

"I know. I'm sorry."

Tyler shook his head.

"No.  You have to realize that Klaus only wants this baby for one reason and one reason only." 

I rolled my eyes.

"And what might that be?"

Tyler went outside into the fresh bayou air (I realized that he kidnapped me and brought me to the bayou), and motioned to someone. 

"Come on in Howie."

A tall, muscular guy walked inside. 

Tyler pulled something out from his pocket.

It was a needle.

He started to come towards me with it.

"No Tyler... stop!  You don;t have to do this!"

He looked at me with a sad expression.

"I have to." 

And he jammed the needle into my pregnant stomach.

A sharp pain filled my stomach and I screamed.

He took the needle out and when I saw the red liquid in it, I sighed with relief. 

Tyler wasn't trying to kill my baby, just getting a blood sample.

Just then, he walked over to Howie, stuck the needle into his neck and when all of the blood went into his neck, he snapped it. 

I gasped.

What was happening?

About a minute later, Howie woke up gasping for air.

Always and Forever   (An Original Vampire Fanfiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon