Looking and Meeting

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Rebekah and I set out early to talk to Marcel.  Klaus had told us that by giving him Elijah, Marcel had also said that we can walk freely in town, as long as we didn't do anything inappropriate or uncalled for.

Marcel was a bit dumb when it came to murder mysteries, so he didn't know what the two dead Nightwalkers whose hearts I ripped out last night were of my doing, so I guess I'm in the clear.

" So where are we going exactly?"  I asked as Rebekah and I walked down the Quarter.  

"Where Marcel usually is.  The bar."  Rebekah answered.

We walked into a place called Rosie's Bar and of course Marcel was there, drinking a glass of whiskey.  

"Marcel."  Rebekah said.   Marcel turned around and smiled.  "The Mikaelson sisters."  He said.

"To what do I owe the pleas-"

"Oh save it Marcel."  Rebekah barked.  "Do you have Elijah or not?"  

Marcel grinned into his glass.  "Maybe." 

I smiled sweetly.  "May we have him back?"  

Marcel shook his head.  "No. "

Rebekah huffed.  "Well, why not?"        

"Because my vampires are getting antsy.  It's bad enough with all of you here.  Elijah scares them the most after Klaus.  So I asked Klaus to put him down for a while.  And I'm letting you all walk in town.  Isn't that good enough for you?"  

"He's our brother, Marcel.  Not a trading toy."  I snapped.

Marcel shrugged and set his drink down.  "I'm done talking with you both about this.  The answer is no.  Now if you excuse me, I have to go."  

He walked past us and out the door.

Rebekah tapped me on the shoulder.  "Come on."  She mouthed.  "Let's go follow him."

We out of the bar and silently followed Marcel.  We followed him all the way down the street and a couple corners until we got to the old church, St. Annes.

We were about to walk in when I felt a tap on my shoulder.  I whirled around.  I gasped.  It was Matt.  

The guy from the party.

"Well, if it isn't mystery mask girl!"  He laughed.   I turned back around to Rebekah and gestured to go inside the church.

I whipped back around to Matt.

"Hey."  I started.  "What's up?"  

"Not wearing your mask today?"  He asked jokingly.    

I laughed.  "No.  I'm allowed to be here now, so it's all good."

He nodded, obviously still confused.  He clapped his hands once.  "Well, I'm new to this town too.  Just moved here."

"Why did you move here, of all places?" 

He grinned. "Well, that's the fun part, isn't it?  I'd like to know your story, and I'll tell you mine.  I could use a friend in this place.  Swing by Rousseaus tonight, on 12 Dupont Street.  I'll treat you to dinner, and we can know each other better." 

My face burned.   I wanted to go out with this boy tonight.  I just was afraid to.  "Are you asking me out on a date?"

He smiled.  "Yeah, I guess I am. Is 7:00 ok?"  

"Yeah, it's fine."

He waved and began to walk away, but then he turned around.  "Wait.  I didn't catch your name."

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