The Truth Comes Out

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It's been about two weeks since Matt and I kissed.  We were officially together, and we shared a couple more kisses might I add.

Hayley's baby bump was getting bigger every day, and since Klaus was too "busy" to name her, Hayley asked Rebekah and I to help name the baby.  

I've also paid Davina the witch a couple visits.  Marcel allowed me too, and Davina was always glad to see me.  We'd become great friends.

Well today, I was on my way over to Matt's house. 

I knocked on his door.

Matt opened it just as fast.

A smile appeared on his face.

"Hey come in!"  He beckoned me inside and led me right to his room.

"Nobody's home?"  I asked.

Just then, Matt pressed me against the closed door, our bodies close, lips locked together.

Guess that answers the nobody's home question.  I thought.

He ran his hands under my shirt and I let him.  

Suddenly, a rush of guilt swept over me.

I couldn't do this.

I couldn't be with Matt and keep a secret this big from him.

I've known him for a while now, and I felt comfortable around him.  

I know things went terribly wrong with Alexander when I told him, but things may be different now.

Elijah and my other siblings will be very disappointed with me, but I had to do it.

I had to tell him I was a vampire.


I pulled away from Matt.

"Is something wrong?"  He asked.

I sighed.

"There's something I have to tell you.  But you might want to sit down."  

He led me to his bed and we both sat down on it.

"So what's up?"  

I took a deep breath and started talking.  

I told him everything.

How old we were, how our mother had us turned into the first vampires, all about my siblings and my hybrid half brother Klaus, how our father Mikael constantly was coming after us to try to kill us but then Klaus killed him, what happened with Alexander, and why we were here in New Orleans.  

The whole story.


Matt was silent for a long time, eyes wide and mouth gaped open.

I felt my eyes stinging with tears.

"I'm sorry.  You probably think I'm crazy.  But I had to tell you." 


I looked at him.


He suddenly stood up and stared at me.

"This explains everything."  He said.

"What do you mean?"

He paced back and forth.

"I don't think you're crazy.  I know for a fact that you're not lying.  Because I saw a vampire." 

"What? When?"

He stopped pacing.

"A year ago.  Before I moved here."

I stood and walked over to him.

I looked him square in the eye. 

"Tell me."

He paused for a moment.

"Well, I was just walking around my old town alone and I heard someone scream.  So I ran around the corner and I saw it.  It was a human, getting its blood sucked out of its body by a vampire.  I shouted and it looked up.  It's two front canines were unbelievably sharp and there was blood all over its face.  Its eyes were bright red, and there were veins pulsing and popping all over its face. I ran away in fear, and when I got home, I looked up what I just saw.  And it was a vampire.  And I've been fascinated by them ever since. I believe you."

"You're not afraid?"  I asked softly.

"Of course not."  He answered.

Matt studied the ring on my finger.

"What's that?"  

I looked down at it.  

"Oh this?  It's my Daylight ring.  It protects me and my siblings from the sunlight.  Without it, we'll burn up and die."

Matt nodded.

"I didn't know you had rings for that."

I laughed nervously. 

"Well, my mother was a witch, so she had her ways."

"Are you like them? The other ones? Sucking blood and killing people?"

I shook my head quickly.

"No, of course not.  My oldest brother Elijah and I control our blood lust.  Which means we don't go around killing people and blood doesn't make us crazy.  We only feed like, once a year."

I saw Matt grab something from his drawer.  A pocketknife.

"So you won't kill me if I did this?"

He cut open his palm with the knife.  

Blood appeared fast.  

I smelled the thick, metallic smell and I took a deep breath.  

It took about two minutes for Matt to realize I wasn't going to do anything.  

He wiped his hand rid of the blood.

"See?  You can trust me."  I said.

I sat back down on the bed.  

He came over and sat down next to me.  

"I know I can.  I believe you, Tessa.  And I'm sorry about what happened with Alexander.  I really am.  I won't do that to you.  I swear.  Just because of what you are, doesn't mean I'm ever going to stop loving you. Ok?"

I nodded.


By the way he said this, I could tell he really meant it. 


I walked home feeling half relieved that I told Matt and half scared and worried of what might happen to me when Elijah, Klaus, and Rebekah found out I told.  

Klaus would probably stake me and lock me in a box for another century.

I opened the door to the house and saw Elijah and Klaus walking around the whole house and Rebekah on her phone, but not talking to anyone.

None of them had noticed I came in,.

"What's happening?"  I asked with confusion.

Elijah looked up. His face was troubled.

"Tessalynn, thank God you're home. "

"Why? What's wrong?"  I asked again.

Elijah sighed.

"Hayley's missing."


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