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"Yes, we're here down by the bayou.  Niklaus bit Tessalynn so we're staying here until she heals."  Elijah was saying into the phone.

I heard Rebekah shouting on speakerphone. 

"What? He bit  her?! I'll kill him without blinking.

I gave a hoarse chuckle. 

Foolish Bekah.  Klaus couldn't be killed.

"Calm down Rebekah."  Elijah exclaimed.

"Nobody bites my baby sister and gets away with it, especially not one of our own kin."  

They talked some more, then they hung up.

"What do you need me to do?"  I heard Hayley ask.

"Go to the lake and drench this washcloth with the water, for when Tessalynn starts to sweat." 

I heard the door slam. 

My vision was blurry, and I felt dizzy, even though I was lying down.  

I could hear my heart pounding.

My bite was hurting me.

I began to feel cold.

"Elijah, I'm cold."  I said softly.

He quickly draped a blanket around me.

I threw it off in seconds. 

"Too hot."  I mumbled.

I wiped the droplets of sweat off my face. 

Hayley came back and placed the cold washcloth on my forehead. 

It felt good.

Elijah stood over the cot, watching me, and Hayley sat behind my feverish head holding the cloth to my forehead. 

"She's burning up with fever."  Hayley whispered.

Elijah and Hayley chatted quietly, but it seemed like they were shouting. 

Suddenly, everything got silent and I couldn't hear anything faded to black. 


I came to a little while later with Elijah and Hayley crowding over me.

"What happened?"  I asked.

"You just fainted.  It's alright."  Elijah answered.

I felt sick all of a sudden, and I leaned over the cot, throwing up blood onto the floor.

I coughed.

Hayley hurriedly wiped my face with the towel. 

I laid back down on the cot.

"Thanks."  I managed to say.

Just then, a searing pain shot through my whole entire body. 

I clenched the sheets and screamed in agony. 

The pain wouldn't stop.  I didn't stop screaming, it hurt so bad. 

Elijah rushed over and sat next to me. 

He put my head on his lap.

"Shh, Tessalynn.  Calm down.  Everything's ok.  You're ok. Shh." 

He stroked my hair, murmuring soothing words in my ear to calm me down.

And it worked.

The pain stopped, and everything was quiet again.

Elijah got up and paced the room.

I drifted in and out of consciousness.

Suddenly, I wasn't lying on the cot anymore with hybrid bite fever.

I was back with Alexander.

I saw myself with him, kissing him, loving him.

"I love you."  He said to me.

"I love you too."  I said back.

I could feel two people behind me.

I whirled around.

It was Alexander's mother and father.

"We know what you are."   They said.

"Wha-what?"  I stammered.

"You and your older siblings are vampires."  They both pointed wooden stakes at me.


I saw Alexander holding the white oak stake, the only thing that can kill us Originals.

"What are you doing with that, Alexander?"  I asked.

"You aren't human.  Only humans walk this Earth.  You need to die."

He walked closer towards me, aiming the white oak stake at my heart. 

I backed up.

"No Alexander. No. Don't."

He raised his arm.

He brought it down fast, about to plunge the stake in me. 

"No!"  I cried.

I shot up off the cot and looked around.

I was back in the shack with Elijah and Hayley. 

"You were hallucinating about Alexander."  Hayley said. 

I sighed.

"Yeah, I'm aware of that."  I answered. 

I felt fine now.

"I think the fever's broken."  I said.

Elijah looked me over.

"Yes, I believe so."

He looked out the little window.

It was nighttime now.  I could hear crickets chirping.

"We should go.  It's late."  Elijah said.

I nodded and held on to Hayley's arm as we left.


On the ride home, it was mostly silent.  Elijah drove and Hayley sat in the passenger seat.  I was in the back.

When we got to the plantation house, Elijah turned off the car and turned around to look at me. 

"Now, don't give Niklaus anymore accusations. It'll only get him more angry."

I opened the door and got out.

Elijah and Hayley did the same.

"I won't."  I said.

"Thank you. For taking good care of me.  Both of me."  

I gave Hayley a hug and Elijah a quick peck on the cheek, and walked inside.

Rebekah babied me and bombarded me with questions, but I told her I was fine and I just needed some rest.

I started walking up the stairs, but I saw Klaus looking at me from Elijah's office.

I just rolled my eyes, still mad, and went to my room.

My last thoughts before I went to sleep were of my Alexander hallucination.   What did it mean?

Oh well.  I didn't have time to think.  I was already drifting into sleep.

And yes, vampires do get tired.

Even the Originals. 


hope you liked this chapter!  it took me super long to write but it turned out really good!  please give me more reads it's starting to get annoying lololol :/  thanks love you guys!

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