We All Make Deals

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"Where's Elijah?"  I asked the next afternoon.  "I can''t find him anywhere."    "He's probably out, which is a bad idea, considering Marcel thinks we're all here and has Nightwalkers searching for us."   Rebekah answered.   I turned to Klaus.    Even though I was till mad at him for yelling at me last night, I had to ask.  "Have you seen Elijah?"  He shook his head bluntly and left the room.  

Hayley came down the stairs then.  She opened the door and was about to leave.  "Where are you going love?"  Klaus called.  "Marcel already knows the Originals vampires are back in town, and he won't be happy when he finds out that a pregnant werewolf comes along with the bargain."  

Hayley rolled her eyes.  "Nobody will know who am unless I tell them.  I'm just going to get some medicine for the baby pain.  I'll be right back. "  And she left.

Klaus headed out after her.  "And where do you think you're going?" Rebekah asked.  "You never cared about Hayley's whereabouts before."  

"Oh, I still don't.  I'm going to Marcel's and fix this little problem."  And he left too.

I sighed and looked at Rebekah.  "I guess it's just us.  I suppose we should probably take up the rest of the afternoon looking for our Elijah.  Where could he have even gone off too?'


Klaus was still out, and Hayley came back after 30 minutes, but she went right into her room.  

Rebekah and I wasted no time searching for our missing brother.  We searched the whole house twice and the back and front yards.  

It was almost 5:30, and still no sign of him.  I was beginning to get worried.  What if something had happened to him?  

Rebekah sensed my worry.  She put a hand on my shoulder.  "Don't worry Tessa.  We'll find him."  She answered reassuringly. 


It was now 7:30.  We searched a couple miles away from the house, but we didn't dare go into town. 

We didn't notice Klaus come over to us with an angry expression.

"Where's Hayley?"  He said.

:She came home not an hour after she left and she went right into her room. Why?"  Rebekah asked.    "She's not there.  I searched the whole house.  She's gone."

I perked up.  "I'll go check the Quarter."  

Klaus opened his mouth but before he could say no, I used my vampire speed to run away.


I looked around the whole Quarter, then I finally found her.  

She was sitting on a bench, pouring a couple drops of a yellow liquid into a steaming mug.  What the hell?  She brought the cup to her lips but just then, two of Marcel's Nightwalkers came up in front of her.

"So you're the werewolf."  One of them said.

"Won't Marcel be glad when he finds out he can kill you." 

I sped up to both of them and without thinking, ripped out their hearts. 

"Well."  I said breathlessly;  "that is no way to treat a pregnant lady."  


It turns out that Hayley went out today to buy wolfsbane at a witch shop.   She was trying to kill her baby with it by putting it in hot tea.  

"I was trying to kill my baby because Marcel has people out looking for me.  He found out about me because he knows all of you are back in town.  He knows about the baby and so do other werewolves who are angry about me having a baby with Klaus.   I just don't want to have to deal with anything.  Things are already hard, and now Eliah's gone too.  He promised he would protect me, but then he just left."

She clutched the bottle of wolfsbane to her chest.  We had arrived at the house.

"I'm going to have to tell Klaus where I was and what I was doing, aren't I?"  Hayley asked me.  I nodded.

"He'll figure it out sooner or later.  You did bring the bottle of wolfsbane with you."


Klaus and Rebekah were waiting for us at the door.  

"Where have you been?"  Klaus said.  He looked down and saw the bottle of wolfsbane in Hayley's hand.  

"Where did you get that?"  Klaus asked quietly.  

"I was trying to kill the baby with the wolfsbane.  That's where I was today"  Hayley answered.

Klaus used his hybrid speed to push Hayley up against the wall with his hand wrapped around his throat.  "Nik!"  Rebekah shouted.

He kept his hand around her throat.  Rebekah pushed Klaus off Hayley.  "Leave her alone, she is pregnant for God's sake!"   

I walked over to Klaus and Rebekah.  "All this talk about not wanting the child and the minute she tells you she's ready to get rid of it."  I shook my head.

I thought about what Elijah told me the other night.  I took a deep breath.

"It's ok to care.  It's ok to want something.  That's all we've ever wanted Klaus."

Klaus sat down on the stairs and Rebekah and I sat next to him.

"I gave Elijah to Marcel."  Klaus said quietly.   I almost stopped breathing.  "What?"  I said softly.  

"Marcel and his Nightwalkers were nervous.  Now all of us are back in town and Marcel knows that now, and they're scared.  So I staked Elijah and gave him to Marcel because he wanted him gone."  

I was angry.  "You bargained our brother?  How smart of you, Niklaus."  Rebekah said sarcastically.  

"Hey.  We all make deals.  But I have a plan.  I'm going to earn Marcel's trust, annihilate his empire, and honor Elijah's wish that that baby be born."   Klaus looked at us.

"I'm going on with this plan.  If you don't like it, leave."   He pointed to the door.  

Rebekah, Hayley, and I were silent.  Klaus grinned.  "Alright.  Looks like you three are along for the ride. "  He got up and walked away.

I set my jaw determinedly.   No, I wasn't "going along for the ride."  I was getting Elijah back.  I looked at Rebekah.  She was thinking the same thing.

"Starting tomorrow."  She mouthed.   I nodded.  "Until tomorrow."  


Hey guys!  Sorry I haven't posted in a couple days, been busy studying for my midterms and all my other tests:(   Well I'm back now!  Hope you liked this chapter!  Do you think the girls will succeed in getting Elijah back?  How do you all feel about Klaus?  Comment thoughts below and  don't forget to vote!  Happy Reading!

Always and Forever   (An Original Vampire Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora