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The next morning, I got dressed and went into the kitchen.

Hayley was rummaging around in the cabinets.

"Good morning."  I said.

She turned around and smiled brightly.


I walked over to her.

"What are you looking for?"  I asked.

"Just something to eat for breakfast.  You guys don't keep a lot of food in this house."

"Well, that's because vampires don't need to eat, but we have a little food because Elijah and Tessa choose to control their blood lust."  Klaus walked in and I moved away.

I was still mad at him for biting me.

I grabbed some cereal, put it in a bowl, and poured milk over it.  

I pushed it over to Hayley.

"Sorry.  I'll find some time to go grocery shopping."  

Hayley was about to take a bite but stopped in midair.

"Ow!"  She said.

Klaus and I rushed over to her.

She pulled down the strap of her tank top.  

There was a little pinpoint on her arm, and it was bleeding.  

"What the hell?"  I exclaimed.

"Something must have happened to Sophie.  I'm still linked to her."

I slapped my hand against my forehead.  I had completely forgotten that Sophie's sister Jane Anne had linked Sophie to Hayley. 

So whatever happened to Sophie happened to Hayley.  Or the other way around.

"Well, I guess we'll have to do something won't we?"  

Elijah appeared behind me and put a hand on my shoulder.

"How are you feeling, Tessalynn?"  He asked me.

I shrugged.


I straightened up.

"Well, I might know someone who can help us out with this.  Elijah, get Rebekah and go find Sophie."  

Elijah nodded and did as I asked.

I glared at Klaus.

"Stay with Hayley.  Make sure she's safe."

And then I left. 


I waked to St. Anne's Church and went up to the attic.

I knocked on Davina's door.

She opened it and smiled. 

"Tessalynn!  What's up?  Come in!" 

I went in.

"I need your help." 

Davina nodded.

"Of course.  What's wrong?"  

"Hayley is linked to Sophie.  And we need you to unlink them."

Davina was silent.

"I have a few spell books in here.  I could find an unlinking spell.  Let me check."

She started looking around her room and put three spell books on her bed. 

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