Finally Born (Epilogue)

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It's been a week since Davina died.

Everyone usually left me alone and didn't talk to me about it.

Marcel didn't come out of his room in the compound, and I haven't seen Sophie since the night of the harvest.

Hayley was due any day now.  All we had to do was wait.

In the meantime, I had a serious talk with Elijah and how he should trust his emotions and and just go for Hayley already.  She obviously liked him back, so she would react positively.    And Klaus wouldn't mind, because he went to Mystic Falls two days ago, and had a "moment" with Caroline Forbes, a vampire who he's liked for a while. 

Well, I guess my talk with Hayley really worked, because I walked in on them kissing.  I was going to say something, but I saw that Elijah's shirt was loosely unbuttoned, so I didn't really think now was the time.

Today, I was standing on the balcony, watching the sun set.  Being up here reminded me of my first kiss with Matt.  I haven't seen Matt in a while, and to be honest, I didn't really want to.  I was grieving, and I couldn't be with him right now.  

"Hey Tessa."

Hayley waddled over to me.


"How are you doing?"  She asked with concern.

"Fine."  I looked at her round, pregnant stomach.

"How are you doing?" 

Hayley laughed.

"Great,  I guess.  I can feel her kicking.  She'll have Klaus's strength."

She looked at me closely.

"Hey.  listen to me.  I'm so sorry about Davina.  She was wonderful girl, she really was.  I know how hard it is for you because you became such fast friends with her.  But she is at peace now.  Nobody is hunting her down and she isn't suffering anymore.  We'll all miss her.  And after the baby is born, and we're all settled, we'll find  a way to save her.  Ok?"  

I nodded and tear slipped from my eye.  I quickly wiped it away.

Hayley took my hand.  She opened her mouth as if to say something, but suddenly, she squeezed my hand unbelievably tight. 

"Hayley, what's wrong?"  I asked.

"The baby."   She clutched her stomach.

"It's coming."


Hayley leaned on me as I dragged her back into the compound.

Elijah came in front of us.

"What's happening?"  

"The baby wants to be born."

"Now!"  Hayey cried.

Klaus and Rebekah went over to us.

Elijah took out his phone and called Sophie.

Meanwhile, Klaus, Rebekah and I carried Hayley to her room.

"What about Marcel?"  I asked.

Klaus shrugged.

"We don't need him here."  

"Guys, please.  This baby wants out, now."

I went to the doorway and called for Elijah.

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