54: How He Proposes To You

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This one sort of follows the one I wrote previously: 'Where He Proposes To You'

Gerard: (A/N my friend wrote this one. So yeah..)
During one of yours and Gerard's favourite songs, he gets down on one knee and proposes.

Because it is Christmas time, and it had recently snowed, you went to Central Park. As you were looking at something over one side, Mikey was very slyly writing 'Will You Marry Me?' In the snow and when you turned around he was kneeling down on one knee, in front of what he'd wrote. (A/N I found this really cute if I must say so myself.

You two had gone on holiday for a few days to Paris, and whilst you were at the top of the Eiffel Tower, were he proposed to you, including a lot of Fans witnessing it.

He takes you to the Park were you went on your First Date, which happened to also be the place where he said 'I Love You' first, he then went to the exact spot where he said it, and proposed.



I found this quite cute if I must say so myself..

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Courtney :) xox

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