Chapter 13

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Chapter 13


"You ready?" I ask Johnny as he puts on headphones in the booth. He nods. I start the playback for My My My.

"Put on your red dress. And slip on your high heels. And some of that sweet perfume. It sure smells good on you...You got me saying my, my, my, my, my, my, my. You sure look good tonight. And you're so damn fine...Make love all night long. Make long until the break of dawn. Sweet pretty little thing yes you do." Johnny sings his heart out as he looks at me.

"Good. Put a little more into it, baby. You're not desperate but you really tryna tell her how good she looks." I say and he sighs.

"Stephanie, it sounds great," LA Reid says. "It couldn't be any better."

"Yes it could. If I'm not squirming in my seat because he got me wet and wanting, it can be better." I say and Johnny smiles with a nod.

"You heard her. Let's do it one more time." Johnny smiles and I do the playback again. This time I'm squirming in my seat and crossing my legs as he sings into the mic.

"Great." I nod once and Johnny laughs as he comes out of the booth.

"You have something special with you, Johnny." Reid says with a smile as he pats my shoulder quickly. "We'll pick back up tomorrow."

"Okay. Good job today," Johnny says as he grabs his things. I grab my jacket and bag and follow him out of the Motown Records studio. "So I guess you're wet and wanting?"

"Baby, can we just get back to the apartment?" I ask and he smiles. We get in his car and drives as fast as humanly possible back to his apartment that we now share.

Once we're inside, it's just a blur of clothes and skin.

"Girl," Johnny kisses my neck as he presses his face into it. "You taste better every time."

"So do you, baby," I smile as he continues to kiss my neck. "No baby. I'm tired."

"I'm never tired of you," He says but lays back on his side of our bed. He props himself up on his right arm before using his left hand to run it up and down my hip. "How did I get so lucky?"

"I don't know. I ask myself the same thing," I grin stupidly as I move closer to him. "I have to go in the studio with the girls tomorrow so I won't be with you."

"It's fine, beautiful. You're working on your album with them. It needs to get done just like mine does," He kisses me. "You're more important anyway. Get your work done and then come help me."

"You're important too, Johnny." I say as I run my fingers up and down his arm.

"Not as important as you. Go work on that woman empowerment album, baby." He kisses me again before getting comfortable to sleep.

The next morning, I take my car over to the MCA Records' studio to record with Jacque and Cassie. With all of the guys working on solo projects, we decided to stay together and record another group album.

"Great. Ready to get to it?" Jimmy Jam asks when we enter the studio.

"Yeah. We're finishing up Distraction then moving on to Love on Top." I say and he nods.

Cassie goes into the booth and puts on headphones. She starts singing but has to stop almost immediately to throw up in the trash can inside of the booth.

"Are you okay, Cassie?" Terry asks as he stops the playback.

"Yeah. Certain things just make me sick now," She smiles. At ten weeks she hasn't stopped throwing up nor can she really keep anything down. She's started losing weight from her already petite frame. "Let's start again."

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