New Romantics

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The fifth part of High School AU series


"I don't think you fully understand the concept of chilling out."

Taylor moved her gaze off of her book to look at Karlie, who was frowning at her. Her hair fanned across Taylor's thighs as she rested her head there. They were hanging out at their beach, which had been a common occurrence between the two of them.  It didn't take a tooth and a leg for Karlie to persuade Taylor to skip school from time to time and Karlie decided it as a solid progress. The only thing that Karlie had to do in return was going to her classes, which she had to do anyway. Win-win, right?

"I think I'd understand you better by now, but, excuse me?"

Karlie sighed and rolled to her side to see Taylor better. "You're reading a book."


"You're not supposed to do any reading when we're hanging out. You already do that on every other occasion," Karlie whined, like a petulant child.

"This might seem like a work to you, but I actually read for fun."

Karlie's grin turned suggestive at the word 'fun'. "Oh, I could think a better activity than reading for fun."

Taylor smacked Karlie's forehead lightly with her book.

"Hey," Karlie protested, swatting the book away from her face. "That's so unnecessary."

Karlie rubbed her forehead as she got up. She gave Taylor an irritated look, which Taylor just dismissed with a laugh.

"Stop being a baby." Taylor rolled out her tongue at her friend. "What do you want to do anyway? Because the last time I checked, you weren't doing anything either."

"Let's play beach volley!" Karlie suggested excitedly.

"Nope," Taylor replied. "Not going to risk injuring my hands this close to my concert."

"I said volley, Taylor," Karlie said impatiently. "Not sword fighting."

"Whatever. All sport-related activities are out. What else?"

Karlie propped her head on her hand, thinking hard. Her eyebrows were scrunched up, her eyes were looking at the distance. Taylor always thought that pose of hers was too adorable.

"Aha!" Karlie's mischievous grin was back, which was never a good sign. She must thought of something either bad or exhausting for them.

"Let's go to Derek's party! I just remembered that it is tonight. It will be so awe-"

"No," Taylor said right away, not letting Karlie finished her sentence.

"But, why? Come on! It's going to be fun."

"I don't like parties. End of discussion."

"Except it's not a discussion when you rejected it right away," Karlie persisted. "Derek's party is different, okay? It's only for our private circles, so it would be less crowded and wild."


Karlie ignored Taylor's answer and continued. "So here's the plan. We're going to see the sunset and go home to get-"


"To get ready for the party. I'm going to pick you on your home at-"

"Karlie, no!" Taylor said a little louder.

"I'll pick you at eight, then we'll go to Derek's together. We'll stay there for an hour and if you didn't like it, we'll go home right away. What do you say?"

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