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As I am holding onto Zeus leash, making a good distance between him and jungkook so the same incident doesn't happen again. Also with my other hand i'm holding onto a napkin against jungkook's bitten hand. His hand wasn't sever but it was still letting out a good amount of blood.

We finally make it home and the maids notice Jungkook's bleeding hand and quickly assist him. While I took Zeus in and went to give him water and less food that he usually gets because I fed him watermelon at the ice cream parlor. I then hear the doorbell ring and I went to go open the door, but when I opened the door, there stand JIn in front of me...

Y/n:(thought): oh god. why did I open the door!?! I should have let one of the maids do it or even Jungkook or Sebby to do it but nope I just opened the door not even looking through the peek hole...Great Job Y/n!

But I was brought back to reality when the person in front of me cleared him throat.

Jin: Oh Y/n...I didn't know you were here. But may I ask why you're here. not to sound rude or anything.

Y/n: Oh hehe...it's okay I am actually here just to go and um...pick up my dog.

Jin: ooo you have a dog!? Can I see him?

I move to the side to reveal my already growling dog.

Jin; Girl or Boy?

Y/n: Boy

Jin: Oh that's why he's so protective over you.

I then realize that Jin would touch my shoulder and in attempt of doing that Zeus would walk closer and growl even louder to show that he would attack sooner or later.

Y/n: Oh! i'm sorry I should have let you in the house when you came.

I say to break the silence well not very silent due to the growling husky that is preparing to maul Jin's face off...

Jin: Oh no it's okay! I just wanted to have a quick to with jungkook, but it seems like he's busy.

Y/n: Ah I see, but you can stay since I am leaving right now.

Jin: oh I hope your not leaving because I arrived.

Y/n: of course not and since it getting late I should be heading home soon.

Jin: Ah, but do you have any idea where jungkook is?

Jungkook: I'm right here hyung. Also why are you here?

Jin: Hello to you to kookie and what? Your mama can't see her own child?

Jungkook ignored what jin said and sat on the couch and just turned the T.v. on. Now i don't understand how Jungkook could be so calm when Jin is in the house and i'm the one that opened the door for him but out of no where Jungkook jumped up from the couch. it kind of startled me because i was still dazed but it stared Jin the most since he was walking towards Jungkook.

Jin: What the heck kookie!? what's with the sudden jump?!

Jungkook: Sorry hyung, I just remembered something and i have to deal with it right now so....excuse me for a second.

Jin: um... ok?

Jungkook then walks up to me and comes really close to my face.

Y/n: w-what are yo-

Jungkook: Did you tell him?

Y/n: Tell him what?

Jungkook: about the living thing...

Y/n: Oh no.... I told him I came to pick up Zeus.(whispering the whole time)

Jin: Yaaah! Shoo shoo!

Be Mine ff .:JJK:.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora