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I look at the man standing in front of me planning my next move so i don't screw up. But like he's mature guy its fine if i tell him, right?

Right as i was about to tell him the truth my words have became muffled as a hand was blocking my mouth. I looked over my left shoulder to see Jungkook.

Jungkook: Oh hey hyung! What are you doing here?

Namjoon: i came to get the "magazines" 😉 you said you'll let me borrow.

Jungkook: o-oh yeah um let me just grab it real quickly. Y/n just stay here and accompany Namjoon. (Whispers) and don't tell our secret.

I slighty nod my head obeying to his command as i don't want to make it harder on Jungkook to explain everything to his Hyung.

Namjoon: u-um so what are you doing here?

Y/n: I just came here to hangout and Jungkook wanted to play with the dog.

Namjoon: ooo you have a dog!? What's his or her name?

Y/n: His name is Zeus and he's quite protective so you might want to be careful. Oh come in i sorry about that. Also if you want to see Zeus he's probably playing with Sebastion.

Namjoon: oh thats a surprise.

Y/n: what? Why?

Namjoon: Sebastion is more into cats than dogs but i guess he can have a change of heart (*cough* Black *Cough* Butler *cough* Fan)

Y/n: ah I see... well do you want a drink while you wait?

Namjoon: No thanks since i'm in a hurry. Well Sorta. (A/n: Namjoon you naughty boy)

We waited a few minutes in the awkward silence waiting for Jungkook to come back and *Ding* he appeared just in time to save this weird silent moment.

Jungkook comes besides me and hands Namjoon a black bag that probably has the "magazines" inside.

Jungkook: Don't forget to give it back to me since I paid a lot for those.

Namjoon: Yes Kookie I would never forget.

Jungkook: AND you better not DESTROY it! got it?

Namjoon: Yes kookie I understand. *pats his head* now i'm quite in a hurry so I gotta blast.

I look at Namjoon as he exits out the door and then direct my gaze towards Jungkook.

Y/n: So what was all that about?

Jungkook: What do you mean?

Y/n: Aish nvm

I walk away going back to the living room to start my k-drama marathon until this dip shit stands in front of the TV.

Y/n: Yah! get out the way!!! Let me watch Hwarang!!! (A/n: Omg guys if you haven't watched it you need to right now or after this chapter cause our baby Tae is in there and I don't want to spoil anything for you so you should go watch it!!!)

Jungkook: No I need you to help me with something.

Y/n; No go do it yourself I ain't no maid or some sla-

Jungkook: i'll buy you food.

Y/n: what do you want me to do?

Don't judge me ok. I can never deny food. if I could I would marry food. Wait aren't you allowed to marry food!?! Guys I am now engaged with Mr.F/f (Fave Food)

Jungkook: there's this girl that is always clinging to me at school naming herself as "Jungkook's girlfriend"

Y/n: And what do you want me to do about it?

Jungkook: Idk!?! Anything to just get her off my back!

Y/n: Um what's her name?

Jungkook: Tzuyu i think?

Y/n: Jungkook...

Jungkook: yes?

Y/n: You Fucking hired her as a maid here!! Why!?! if she is clinging onto you!!

Jungkook: I totally forgot about the maid thing and if i didn't hire her then she is gonna tell her mother and her mother is the prinipal plus owner of the school. She's able to kick me out of the school. You know what....i'm gonna cancel the maid job thingy.

Y/n: Yeah, but that's only gonna help a little since she goes to the same school. also now she knows where you Live. Wait where WE live.

Jungkook: I need help.

Y/n: Big time...


I'M BACK!!! So this chapter wasn't at 1,000 words but it was close. like more than half i think? But i'm building up all my creativity and went to go and make a instagram account based on Bts bit it's not a lot right now since i'm more on my main account which i want to keep private for now until i'm comfortable or unless people ask me so yeah. My account name is 199_5s so please go and follow my accoun!!! thank you so much guys for the support and care when i was gone!!! <3


So i totally forgot to put a quetion so here it is.

Do you think i should make another fanfiction of another member to replace the jimin fanficton i have up?

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