Chapter Nineteen - What Have I Done?

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-- Liam's Point of View --

I tapped my foot on the floor nervously, wondering. Niall was an honest boy, but I couldn't help but think that he was lying to me. I knew his mum usually didn't come out of the blue and ask to have lunch with him. She made plans far ahead of time, so this simply struck me as odd. I had a right to be feeling this way, didn't I? From what had happened? What if it had something to do with Harry, and that whole thing at the hospital? I had a right to be worried about him and what he was doing, so if I snooped around a bit, he wouldn't get angry, would he? I decided it was worth the risk, and slipped on my shoes and my coat. I left the house, not bothering to lock it, and began walking to Niall's mum's house, as it wasn't that far. As I approached the house, I took a deep breath, and walked up the steps. I knocked on the door and it swung open quickly, revealing Niall's mum.

"Oh, hello, Liam! Such a nice surprise!" She exclaimed with a grin from ear to ear.

"Hi, Maura." I paused. "Is Niall here?"

She gave me a look. "No, he's not? Why would he be here?"

My eyes went wide. "He's not here? He left about an hour ago and told me that he was going to your house for lunch." I tried not to scare her with my worried voice, although it didn't seem to be working. "It's a long story I'd rather not talk about right at this moment, but I was just a little worried about him, and wanted to know if he was alright. I didn't know your number as well, so I decided to drop by and see if he was here."

"No, he's not here... I don't know why he'd ever lie to you, though? He's an honest boy." She noted and I nodded, agreeing. "Oh, God, I hope he's alright."

"I'm sure he's just fine, I was just overreacting a bit. Y'know me..." I laughed nervously. "I'll just go back to the house and wait for him. I'll get him to call you when he gets home, alright?"

"Oh, that'd be lovely. Thank you, Liam." We exchanged small smiles and I left her porch, wandering back to our house. He wasn't there, but why did he feel the need to lie to me? I thought he knew he could trust me with anything? We were dating, after all, and had even been set to marry, although that went to shit. 

I walked in the house and took my shoes and coat off, plopping onto the couch. I didn't bother to text him or call him. I'd deal with him when he got home. 


I heard the front door open and I got up, standing in the doorway with my arms crossed, tapping my foot in the floor. His smile faded as he realized that I was staring at him with an eyebrow raised. He laughed nervously and put his coat on the coat rack, pulling his shoes off. 

"Hey, Liam, what's the problem?" He questioned.

I trailed off and walked around into the kitchen. "Nothing." I lied for the moment. "So, how is Maura?"

"Oh, she's good." He noted quietly, following me into the kitchen. "She's been a little stressed lately, however, to say the least."

"Oh?" I asked with a matter-of-fact tone. "How would you know that?"

"Liam, what do you mean by tha-"

I cut him off. "How would you know how she's feeling..." I paused and spun on my heels to look at him. "When you weren't at her house." I looked him straight in the eyes and watched him crash and burn. He nervously gave me a questioning look.

"What? Of course I was at her house."

"No, you weren't. I was over there. I was kind of worried about where you were - y'know, boyfriendly instinct - and I didn't have her number, so I went to go see if you were over there. I also had to talk to you about something that couldn't wait, so I decided if you were there, I could quickly tell you about it and then I'd be on my way." I lied. "But she said that she never called you. She never made plans with you."

Truly, Madly, Deeply ↨ Sequel to "Your Everything" ↨ Niam Horayne CollabWhere stories live. Discover now