Chapter Nine - Walking

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(written by MrsNiallHoran :3)

-- Niall's POV --

I sighed and leaned against Zayn. I didn't like lying to Liam. Of course I didn't. Why would I enjoy keeping things from him? It was just that I didn't want to hurt him and I didn't know how to explain my doubts without doing so and possibly ruining our relationship. So I decided that I had to keep it to myself, and just pretend that nothing was wrong.

"It's okay, mate." Zayn said softly, wrapping an arm around my shoulders. "It's probably not true. You guys love each other. I'm sure it'll all work out, no matter what. I've never truly been in love, so I don't know how it feels. If I was in your position, I wouldn't be worried."

I forced a smile. Hopefully he was right.


"Where are you going?"

I pulled on my winter jacket and mitts. "Dinner." 

Liam frowned. A protective glint shone in his eyes, and I could practically feel his jealousy radiating off of him. "With who?" he asked protectively, his eyes narrowing slightly.

"Um... A friend?" I replied, though it came out as a question. Damnit! That wasn't really the truth, but it wasn't actually a lie either. The person I was actually going out to dinner with was one of my ex-boyfriends, whom I was still friends with but hadn't talked to in years. He'd called me up and asked if I wanted to catch up and I'd agreed.

"What kind of friend?"

"Just a friend." I said as I slipped my boots on and then began searching around for my scarf. Where'd I put it? "We dated a few years ago." I admitted, shrugging. "He wanted to catch up."

Now Liam's protective gaze and jealousy had both gone through the roof. He looked almost hurt in a way. Why? Just because I was going to dinner with a friend that I'd dated a while ago? "But I thought we were going out for dinner." he said quietly. 

"We can go out tomorrow, okay, Li?" I suggested, walking over and kissing him softly and sweetly before he could reply. "I'll be back in an hour or so."

"Be careful. Stay safe. If you need me, call me." he replied. Why would I need him? What did he think this guy was going to do, stab me in the face for breaking up with him? "And please mention the fact that you are engaged, alright?" he added on protectively and I rolled my eyes playfully. "And make sure you text me or call me if you're going to be late. You know how much I worry." 

I chuckled and pecked his lips once more. "I know. I love you."

"Love you too."


"So how have you been, Niall?"

I swallowed a bite of my spaghetti and smiled over at my friend - and ex-boyfriend - Lucas. He hadn't changed much in the three years I hadn't seen him. Older and more mature, but still looked fairly the same and was still much like he had been before. "Really good, actually. Graduated, moved out..." I trailed off.

"Do you live alone?"

I shook my head. "No. I live with my fiance." I replied, shrugging. Lucas' silvery eyes widened slightly.

"You're engaged?" he asked and I nodded. "Wow. Aren't you a bit young to be engaged?" at this comment, I didn't say anything. Why did everyone always bring that up? "That's great, though, Ni. Who are you engaged to?"

"His name is Liam. He's a really great guy. I think I might've mentioned him to you once, when we were dating and him and I were friends."

Lucas nodded thoughtfully. "Liam... Liam... Hmm... What's his last name? Pay... Payne?" 


"Yeah, I remember you saying something about him once." 

We continued chatting and laughing and I'd lost track of time. By the time I got in the car to go home and checked the clock on the radio, I was surprised. Nine o'clock? I had told him that I'd be back three hours ago! Oh, shit, and I hadn't called him either and now my phone was dead. I bet Liam was so worried... 

I drove faster than I really should've. Liam always went crazy with worry and I didn't want to worry him so badly, but I was three hours late. I hadn't called, and the roads are icy. What if he thought that I'd been driving home and got into an accident? Or that I was cheating on him or something?

I hadn't noticed that my gas tank was quite low until it was actually empty. I managed to pull over before the car stopped working entirely. Great. It's freezing and snowing outside, my car is out of gas, my phone's dead, and I'm at least twenty minutes from home.

Looks like I'm walking.

(and cue a worried and freaking out Liam?)

Truly, Madly, Deeply ↨ Sequel to "Your Everything" ↨ Niam Horayne CollabWhere stories live. Discover now