Chapter Seven - Doubts

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(written by MrsNiallHoran :3)

-- Niall's POV --

"So, how's the bachelor life treatin' 'ya?"

Zayn shrugged thoughtfully. He didn't speak for a moment, but looked as if he was going to, so I didn't interrupt. "More or less, pretty good, I suppose. I can't believe you'd already give up your romantic freedom, Ni. I mean, you're only nineteen and already engaged. These are supposed to be your party years, man!"

I laughed weakly. I'd gotten so many questions about that. People asking why I'd want to get married so young, people asking if I expected it to last, blah blah blah. Duh, why would I say yes if I didn't expect it to last? People just didn't understand why I was already engaged and had just barely gotten out of high school. "I can still go out and party." I replied. "Just try and stop me!"

He chuckled and went back to watching television for a moment. Liam was out taking Atlas for a walk, and Zayn had just randomly come over. "Yeah, but now partying isn't gonna be as fun since you're taken. I don't know how you could give it all up so soon. These are supposed to be your years of fun, before you get serious." 

I frowned. I couldn't help but have this small feeling that maybe he was right. Were Liam and I rushing things by already being engaged? Did I want to give up my romantic freedom so soon in my life? Was I too young to get married? These were questions that made me feel guilty because... Well, 'cause I couldn't answer them.

"I'm just saying that you don't wanna rush it, 'ya know? If you rush it, the more likely it is that you're just gonna get married and then get divorced." he went on.

I thought about that for a moment. What if that was true? What if we weren't really right for each other and by rushing into marriage, we'd realize that and get divorced? I mean, we hadn't really been together long enough to know if we wanted to be together forever. What was it now, nine months? Maybe that was a bit too soon to be engaged... "I don't know." I muttered. After hearing what he had to say, I was upset. I didn't want to think about the fact that maybe we rushed things, that maybe we'll end up losing each other because of it, and that maybe I'll end up missing my carefree lifestyle. While all my friends were out partying, I'd be sitting at home with my fiance. While they were all out having the times of their lives and not worrying about anything, I'd be lounging around with my husband. Would I end up missing that life?

I was about to speak, but the door opened. Liam was home. "Hey, love." I called out weakly in greeting. After what I'd just been thinking about, I almost felt guilty calling him that. He replied similarily, then bent down and unclipped the leash from Atlas' collar. The puppy bounded over to Zayn and I and jumped on the couch, wagging his tail and nudging us with his nose. "Why are you covered in snow and soaking wet?"

Liam scowled as he pulled off his wet jacket and hung up, followed by the sweater he was wearing underneath. His t-shirt and jeans were caked with snow and practically dripping water, and his hair was all wet too. "Somebody," he said, glaring playfully at our puppy, "d-dragged me out across s-s-some ice and ended up-p landing me in a sn-snowb-bank." he stuttered through chattering teeth, shivering and getting water all over the place.

I frowned. "Go change before you get water all over the place."

"Oh no worries, I'm fine too, thanks for asking." he replied sarcastically, smirking at me before he dashed upstairs.

Even though I knew I loved him, that inkling in me wouldn't go away. Was it possible that I loved him, but couldn't spend my entire life with him, and I'd realize that later on? Or would I be jealous of all my friends going out and having fun with random strangers while I was committed to one person? I wished I could say without a doubt that we'd be together forever, that I would rather sit at home with my fiance instead of go out and party, that I'd never miss the life, that we weren't rushing things. But I just didn't have those answers. I didn't know if the statements were true or not.

Was it wrong for me to be doubting my relationship? I loved Liam, I really did, but was it foolish to say I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him when we were so young and hadn't been together long? I remembered that lady at the jewelry store that said that it doesn't matter how long it's been, all that matters is the love.

I hope to God that that's true.

Truly, Madly, Deeply ↨ Sequel to "Your Everything" ↨ Niam Horayne CollabWhere stories live. Discover now