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I've been calling and texting Shawn for a week now. She haven't been at school or at her apartment. I called all her friends over my house.

"Have she called or talked to yall?" I asked them.

"Nah but I'm sure she straight. She know how to handle her own," Nya said.

"What happen that night anyway?" Kyle asked.

"So I was drunk at her party. I thought Alex was Shawn the whole time. Alex took me home and I kept saying Shawn name but she ain't correct me. We was upstairs I was horny for Shawn and we just had sex," I said.

"Wait Alex was you drunk?" Rhonda said.

"Uh yeah," Alex said.

"How yall got home safely if both of yall was drunk?" Nya asked.

"I don't know I guess she just a good driver," I said.

"That's funny cause I didn't see you drink that whole night," Nya said.

"Yea me neither, "Kyle said.

Alex was looking real nervous.

"Is you hiding something?" I asked her.

"Null," she said.

"I don't think you was drunk," Rhonda said.

"I was," Alex said looking around.

"You bitch. You had sex with me on purpose. You a fucking backstabber. Ughh I lost my relationship because of you," I ran at her but Nya grabbed me.

"Nah let me go," I screamed as she held me in the air.

She took me upstairs to my room.

"Look ma I know you mad but you need to calm down. It's gone be okay. Just be patient and it will all work out. But for right now you gotta calm down for me. Ok?" Nya said looking me deep in my eyes.

"Ok I'm calm," I said taking deep breath in and out.

"Iight now go sit down on the bed and think."

"Yes ma'am, " I said pouting my lips.

"I don't know what to do no more. She just can't up and dissapear like that," I said.

"I know but you got to be patience. Give her some time to think about it and cool down," Nya said.

"She had more than enough time to cool down. We got to talk about this sooner or later," I stated.

"Are you calm?" Nya asked.


We walked back downstairs to see Alex, Rhonda, and Shawn. Wait Shawn!!!!

"SHAWWN!!!" I screamed as I seen Shawn standing against the wall.

I ran up too her but she stop me with her hands.

"Don't touch me. I only came because Rhonda said yall had to tell me something in person," she said harshly.

"Wow," my eyes started to tear up but I quickly stopped it. I can't let them see me be a pussy.

"So what yall had to tell me?" Shawn said sitting on the couch.

Everybody looked at Alex.

"Um listen Shawn don't be mad but that night me and Chelsea had sex I wasn't drunk but she was. She thought I was you and I wanted to smash her since the first day I met her so I just did it," Alex said with no problem.

Shawn just stared at her. She ain't say nothing.

"Shawn did you hear her?" Kyle asked.

"Shawn," I said shaking her shoulder.

Out of nowhere Shawn just lunged at Alex and they both fell over the chair. They broke my mom vase in the process. I was pissed right now.

"Yo break this shit up," I said grabbing Shawn.

"Are you serious right now Alex. You gone take advantage of my girl and act like it's all cool my nigga. No don't do that shit bruh. You don't do that shit yo," Shawn screamed as they held her back.

"This too much everybody get out. Shawn sit tf down," I said opening the door.

"Now lets talk," I said sitting next to Shawn.

"I need time to think and figure stuff out. We need a break."

"Woah so you gone waste 8 months," I said tearing up.

"It ain't like that. I just.........," she said pausing.

"Just what," I said getting mad.


"Get yo ass out too," I said getting up and opening the door.

"Come on ma don't be like that," she said in a sincere voice.


I watched her walk out. This shit hurt so bad. I went up to my room and cried myself to sleep.

If you have any comments please let me know. I accept all criticism.

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