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5 years later


I'm 23 now and I'm a pediatrician for the local hospital. My life was a messy rollercoaster in high school but I've gotten over it and moved on. Devin and I are together. He sometimes gets a little crazy and abusive but other than that, we're great. I haven't talked to Shawn in 5 years. She broke up with me over nothing so ian even finna sweat that shit. Let me get home before Devin start tripping.

"Where you been?" he said as I walked through the door.

"Work," I walked upstairs.

"Don't walk away from me when I'm talking to you," he said grabbing my arm.

"Let me go I don't got time for this," I said snatching my arm.

He punched me then kicked me while I was down. I grunted in pain.

"Stop screaming weak ass bitch," he yelled as he punched me repeatedly.

I laid there crying. I motivated myself to get my keys and go. I'm so tired of this shit man. I drove to Walmart to get me some ointment. I put my shades and hat on and held my head low.

I bumped into somebody and my glasses fell off.

"Oh I'm sorry ma'a- Chelsea," Shawn said trying to look at my face but I pulled my hat over it.

"No no Chelsea here😬," I said in a deep voice.

"Yes it is stop hidi- what the fuck happen to your face?" she said getting mad.

She scanned my face very closely. I could see her getting madder by the second.

"I said what the FUCK happen to your face?"

"Stop getting loud," I hushed her.

"Nah who did it?" she was pressed gee.

"Wait wait wait I haven't talked to you in 5 years and now you worrying about me," I said sternly.

"I've always cared for you just from a distance and can we go somewhere and talk."

She followed my car to a nearby IHOP.

"Shawn I was there for you. You sat there a dumped me like it wasn't nothing. I cried myself to sleep for months because of you," I teared up a little.

"I understand and I'm deeply sorry."

"No you dont understand I'm fucking stuck with Devin abusive ass and I dont know what to-"

"Can I get you guys order?" the waitress said.

"Nah we good right now," Shawn said shooing her off.

I was now crying.

"You can always come live with me," she offered.

"I dont think so he might find me," I said wiping my tears.

"You're in good hands ma."

"What about my stuff?"

"Uh you can get them while he gone," she said standing up.


"Come on let me show you where I stay."

We drove for like 30 minutes before we pulled up to this big ass house in the hills.

"Oh shit this is nice," I said getting out my car.

She chuckled," yea."

"You must have a really good job?"

"Yea I guess you can say that," she unlocked the door.

"What do you do?"

"Why dont I show you where you will be sleeping," she said.

Wtf. Okay she ain't got to tell me right now but I WILL find out. Believe that.


Yall remember me? Shid of course you do. *flips hair* So I'm currently a stripper at this gentlemen club. I mean its easy money and I have a child I can't be letting him go hungry. Oh yeah I have a son name Jason. I got pregnant senior year and I dont know who the farther. Well it's either Kyle or Dre but they dont want nothing to do with me so I didn't tell them. But yea let me get back to working this pole.


"Mya get your ass in here," I screamed.

"Yes daddy," she sat in my lap.

"You wanna go somewhere like a date or some ?"

"Yes baby yes where?" she screamed in my damn ear.

"You decide but I got to run off right quick iight."

Yall know me already so yea. I've fucked up then but I've gotten better. I want to make amends with Shawn but I dont think she up for it. Chelsea and I left on good terms and so were Nya, Rhonda, and Kyle. I work for a big time law firm so you can say I'm living lavish. I turned out really well you can say. And my girl Mya her sexy ass. She sometimes make me want to slap the shit out of her but I love her.


That fucking bitch still out. I'm going to beat her ass as soon as she walk through that door. Let me explain what happen to me. On graduation night me and my boys went out. You know we partied and smoked weed. When I hit the blunt it tasted different like not normal. I passed out and was rushed to the hospital. There they told my I had a mixture of spice, mojo, and kush. My brain been rewired ever since and I also tried crack a week ago. I need to get my life together but I'm also addicted. Ill get it together another time.

Authors note: Dont do drugs!! You never know what people put in it. BE CAREFUL!!!!!!

If you have any comments please let me know. I accept all criticism.

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