Lion Lickers

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Present day. 365 days until final report.

It's a beautiful day in Ocean Town. Ocean Town was attacked by corrupted gems eight years ago. If Japser, Peridot, and Lapis weren't there... the citizens try not to think about what could have happened. It's little cloudy, but the moisture in the air is pleasant, it makes the town feel calm. Jasper looks out at the ocean, thinking.

Jasper clutches her fist, she had one job, find out if Steven has any relation to Rose. If he does, Jasper has no intention of taking him to Home World. She intends to shatter Rose herself.

Lapis had spent most of her time taking care of Steven over the years. Jasper preferred to keep her distance and watch from afar. Lapis and Peridot though, found Steven quite likeable, and got along with him well enough.

Jasper sits on the beach, scowling at the ocean, if that kid has any relation to Rose, it's over for him.

Meanwhile, Steven and Lapis are back at the house that the citizens of Ocean Town gave their guardians, Steven has decided to ask Lapis about a name he heard once. A gem named Rose Quartz...

"Hey Lapis?" He asks.

"Yeah?" Lapis replies.

"I heard Jasper mention a name," Steven explains, "the name of a gem."

Lapis gets worried. The more Steven learns about Rose, the more likely it is a connection will be found, and Lapis knows what will happen if that occurs...

Lapis turns around, she can't look at Steven as she speaks. The house is disorganized but not to messy, just a few things that feel out of place. Like a couch in the kitchen and a microwave in Steven's bedroom. Lapis and Peridot never really figured out interior design.

"What gem?" Lapis asks.

"Who's Rose Quartz?" Steven asks.

"Listien," Lapis explains, "you are not to mention that name again."

"Why?" Steven asks, now more curious than ever.

"Rose Quartz was a very bad gem," Lapis replies, "she did horrible things. Things that are best left in the past. Do you understand?"

"What did she do?" Steven inquires.

"Forget it kid," Lapis replies, "if you really wanna know, ask Jasper."

"Eh," Steven sighs, "forget it."

Steven had never liked Jasper. For as long as he could remember, Jasper had been cold and distant. The only one who seemed to care about him was Lapis, and while Peridot was fun to have around, she didn't seem to concerned with Steven. She usually spent her time messing around with human technology, and generally didn't spend time with Steven.

"I'm headed down to the boardwalk," Steven explains going out the door.

"Sure thing Steven," Lapis smiles, "see you later."

Steven begins to head down to the boardwalk, it's still kinda cloudy, but not unpleasant.

Steven has always felt like an outcast in Ocean Town, and didn't have any human friends. While the citizens were nice to Steven, Steven knew it was only because Jasper, Lapis, and Peridot had saved the city a few years ago.

Steven decides to get a lion licker, Ocean Town never had cookie cats, so Steven had grown to like lion lickers.

As he opens the ice cream, he hears something under the boardwalk, a deep growling.

He stops, and the growling goes silent. The storm clouds overhead seem to grow darker. Steven begins to mess with the wrapper again, only for the growling to begin again. He stops, and there is silence.

Unnerved, Steven decides to just eat the lion licker later. He heads towards the beach to enjoy the view, and runs into Jasper.

"Steven," Jasper greets coldly.

"Hey Jasper," Steven replies.

Steven sits down next to Jasper. He wants to get along with Jasper, but Jasper never made any effort. She was always present though, never far from Steven.

Steven opens his lion licker.

"I don't get those things," Jasper explains, "why do humans make their food look like things that could eat them?"

"I don't know," Steven replies, "I guess cause it's funny to have the roles swaped?"

"Why fix what isn't broken," Jasper asks.

Steven decides not to answer and continues messing with the wrapper. Jasper glares at Steven, hiding a deep resentment. She wants to find a connection. She wants vengeance, no matter the cost. She doesn't like Steven, she doesn't want to be his friend, and she doesn't wanna deal with him more than she has to.

"Well," Jasper gets up, "I'll see ya later kid. Gonna go check up on Peridot."

Jasper leaves. Steven finally gets the wrapper open. A deep growling fills the air. A pink lion appears behind Steven. He turns around as he feels something breathing down his neck.

The lion glares at him, ominous and silent.

Steven lets out a scream, but nobody hears him. He closes his eyes and flinches, but the lion does not attack.

Steven looks up at the odd creature, who looks down at him as storm clouds swirl above sparsely spread across the sky.

Steven maintains unblinking eye contact, afraid that as soon as he moves, he's dead. Steven takes a step back in the sand. The lion steps forward.

Steven and the lion stare at each other for a moment, each awaiting the other's next move.

Steven tries to take a bite of his lion licker. The lion growls as he puts it to his mouth. He moves it away, and the lion goes silent. He does so again, just to test, and gets the same result.

Steven offers the lion the lion licker. The lion takes it, and retreats, looking back at Steven, staring right at his gem.

Steven decides not to mention the incident to the gems, and keeps it to himself as he goes home...

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