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143 days until final report.

Steven sits in the strawberry field, examining the tape.

"Hey," he asks, "Lion?"

Lion lets out a short growl to indicate acknowledgement.

"Why would Rose leave me a tape?" Steven asks.

Lion yawns, but does not move. Steven sits next to Lion, looking at the tape with intense curiosity.

"I mean," Steven continues, "she did shatter Pink Diamond. Is there something I don't know about her that the gems are hiding?"

Lion nudges the tape closer to Steven.

"You're right," he sighs, "I really need to watch this, but... what if I don't like what I see? Like, what if she killed my dad or something? Jasper never did say how he died, so, maybe it's her saying I'm next? I mean, she most likely completely insane, so I wouldn't be surprised."

Lion lets out an agitated growl of disapproval.

"You're right," Steven sighs, "I should watch before I judge. Chances are it's just something simple, like her shattering Pink Diamond or some other sadistic thing."

Lion doesn't even try to argue anymore. He just yawns, stretches out, and lies back down.

Steven reaches into Lion's mane and pulls out a soda. He sits, enjoying the warm sunlight and the cool breeze until he suddenly hears the warp pad activate.

"Lion," Steven demands, "hide."

Lion hides under the brush. Steven peaks out from behind a bush, and sees Jasper. He grabs a strawberry and hides again.

"What's Jasper doing here?" Steven thinks aloud, "and if she's here, where's the others?"

Jasper continues walking, examining the brush, as if looking for something. Steven, curious, follows behind her, trying to figure out what she's doing here, but also staying out of sight. If she sees him, he has some serious explaining to do.

Jasper stops when she hears Steven trip on a vine, causing the brush to rustle. She examines the bush where Steven is. Steven freezes, he holds his breath, and sweats nervously. Jasper sniffs the air.

"This will do," she smiles. Jasper uproots the entire bush. Steven clings to it, now more curious and confused than ever. He also clings to it, so he can get back home without having to worry about Jasper seeing him warp in.

Jasper steps onto the warp pad and warps. She arrives back at the house, still holding the bush. Steven lets go and lands on the warp pad. Jasper doesn't notice Steven's landing, and walks into the kitchen. She sets the bush on the counter.

"Steven!" She calls, "you around?"

"I'm here!" Steven replies, entering the kitchen, "what's with the bush?"

"I'm glad you asked," Japser smiles, her face lights up, she is so eager to answer, "I'm learning to bake! I was wondering if you wanted to help."

"Really?" Steven asks.

"Yeah," Jasper grins, "I mean, what's wrong with wanting to spend time with my best friend?"

Steven smiles. "Sure," he replies, "pass me an apron."

(For the record, in the Animatic, I want Love Like You to play over this next scene. I just feel it fits.)

Steven and Jasper begin to take the strawberries off the bush and prepare cake bater before putting it all in the oven. The two are covered in flour by the time it's all said and done. Jasper smiles and throws flour at Steven. Steven laughs and returns in kind. This continues until the kitchen is a complete mess.

Peridot and Lapis walk in, only to be hit in the face with flour. Jasper and Steven stops and tried to apologize. Lapis is the first to laugh, and Peridot joins in before joining in on the fun. The four have a blast, and Steven begins to feel he can trust them again.

(And Love Like You would stop here.)

In bed that night, he considers showing them the tape, maybe they have answers?

He grips his tape and remembers he can't trust them with everything, but maybe he was to harsh. He still has to find the truth, the whole truth, that's something he has to do alone.

"I'm getting answers," he mumbles to himself, "and I don't care if the gems try to stop me..."

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