Camp Sonny

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My first fanfiction. This is going to be so much fun. ^-^


Cas' POV

Cas was asleep when Sonny went through the hallway with his radio which played 'heat of the moment' by Asia, like he did every morning.

God, I can't hear this song one more time. He thought.

"15 minutes until breakfast, guys. C'mon get your lazy asses up! We got things to do"
He heard Sonny from outside the door.

Cas covered his face with his blanket, hoping he could escape in his dream world for only two more minutes.

The bed next to him was empty. His last roommate was picked up by his parents, he only stayed here for about two weeks. Cas was a little bit jealous but technically he was broken. He knew, his parents wouldn't come to pick him up, they will never come back. Neither his dad, nor his mom...

No, he couldn't fall asleep again, he didn't want to upset Sonny by being late for breakfast.
Cas stood up and streched his body whereby a few of his bones crackled. He decided to wear his black jeans and a dark grey longsleeve. One view to the mirrow, one move through his raven black hair (which still stood in all directions) was enough styling for a 17 year old boy.
Cas went down the hallway and sat at the table, where the others were already eating their breakfast.

"Cas buddy, good morning! How did you sleep?"

"Morning, Sonny. I slept fine, less nightmares than usual."

Cas often has nightmares about his parents death. Sometimes in his dreams it is his own fault that they died, sometimes he's sitting in the backseat of the car and is also part of the accident. When the car crashes, he wakes up.
But today he slept surprisingly well, no nightmares and he just woke up two times at night.

"Good, I'm glad that you're doing better by the time. Just carry on, Cassie!" Cas just nodded at Sonny.

"So, guys, listen please. After breakfast you go to work. Ben, Ash, you to wash the dishes. Garth, Rufus and Kevin, you go outside and help Ruth in the garden. And Castiel, you go upstairs, tidy your room and prepare the second bed. Today's coming a new boy, his name is Winchester...I think."

You definitly could see the surprise in Castiels eyes. Not that it was unusual that he had to prepare his room for somebody, god no, that's about every fourth week.
But the name seemed familiar. Winchester... He didn't know anybody who's called like that but... no. He had no idea.

"Cas, you okay with that?" Sonny interrupted his thoughts.

"Uh... y-yeah, sure." Cas answerd a bit nervous.

"Ok, then let's go!"

Sorry for mistakes, I'm german.

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