Talk to me

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Dean's POV

The next morning Castiel and Dean woke up at 7 am when Sonny carried his radio through the hallway again. Dean was surprisingly awake, though he wasn't really a morning person.

"It was the heeeaaaat of the moment" he sung the lyrics when he crawled out of his bed.

Castiel rolled through his bed and mumbled something not understandable. Something like "hate... song...".

"Rise and shine, Cassie!" Dean said with a grin on his face. "Asia...I love this song"

Dean tried to catch a sight on Castiel's arm to make sure his doubt from last night was real. And it was. It was really real. He saw a few cuts which he could swear they weren't there when he went to bed. Dean started to worry about him but he wasn't sure if he should talk to him about that.

Castiel stood up from his bed and tried to cover his arm that Dean couldn't see the scars and cuts if he didn't already saw them. They quickly got dressed for the day and Cas grabbed his school bag and went downstairs. Dean collected a few things from the table and shoved them in his own bagpack before he followed Castiel.

God, the mystery in this boy's growing. Why is he doing this to himself? I need to help him. I have to...

After breakfast they all went outside and spread out in two different cars. Castiel drove an old chevy impala with Dean at shotgun and Ben and Ash in the backseat.

They drove about 15 minutes until they finally turned into the parking spot in front of their high school. When everybody had left the car, Cas locked it up. Ash and Ben were already on the way in but Dean waited for Cas.

"That's a really beautiful car. Is it Sonny's?"
He asked. Castiel nodded with a smile which meant that he thinks the same.

"Hey Dean, uhh... I thought maybe we could... m-meet for lunch. 'Cause you're probably not in class with me or Ash. Ben, of course, he's at the junior high in the other building, so you're not in his class either..." Castiel asked nervously.

"Yeah, that's fine. I appreciate that. Are you sure we're not the same class?" Dean was happy about the proposal but he was also a bit dissapointed. He thought he would be in Castiels's class since they are the same age.

"I don't know, I'll ask Mr. Shurley." Mr. Shurley was Cas' history teacher and he had a list of all students in his class. Dean's name wasn't written on it.

"Ok then uhhh... let's meet at your locker when it rings." Dean said when he left Mr. Shurley's classroom to seek for his own.

He entered a room where a middleaged man stood in front of a class. The man was a bit shorter than Dean and wore a black suit. His eyes looked a bit tired like he had been drunk the night before.

"And who are you?" He asked.
"Dean Winchester. I'm new." Dean answered. The man was kinda scary.

"Hello, Dean. First day and already late for your first period. Good start. Take a seat. By the way, my name is Mr. Crowley if you're interested in talking to me."
He pointed at a free table in the back of the room.

Dean took place and looked over the class. In contained 80 percent girls but Dean found non of them attractive in any way. He didn't knew why. Of course, he knew he was bisexual, he already have had a boyfriend. But normally he would've flirted with at least two girls in this room. Whatever.

When the bell rang for the lunch break, Dean left the classroom and walked to the lockers but a guy stopped him from behind. He turned around to see that it was Ash who now wanted to shove something in Dean's pocket. Ash winked and Dean smiled.

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