Hi, I'm Charlie and I'm lesbian

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Dean's POV

"Yeah, sure. What is it?" Cas replied.

"Nah, forget it. It's not important." Dean thought he wasn't ready for that question.

Instead, he decided to just ask him how he's feeling.

"Well, I'm okay." Castiel said.

"You sure? And your nightmares?"
"Getting better just..."

"Just what? Tell me" Dean got closer to Castiel and looked in his deep sky blue eyes. He could get lost in them so easiely.

"Nothing, I'm just thinking to much... I guess." Cas replied.

"You know... this accident with your parents. It could've never been your fault, right? You were just a little kid." Dean tried to comfort him.

"Maybe you're right. But it isn't just the thought of that it could have been my fault. It's... maybe if I acted different it hasn't happend. You know? And I lost the contact to my brother. Like it wasn't bad enough that I lost my parents. I have no other family left now." Cas was really sad about that and he didn't think he could ever get used to this thoughts.

"Cas, buddy. You're thinking to much about this. Even if you did something different, you can't change it now. And maybe someday you'll find your own family. Okay?"

"Yeah... maybe."

They sat there and talked for another few minutes until it was 10 pm and they went to bed. Neither of them could sleep yet but the light was already off and their room was silent. The only thing you could hear was the wind blowing outside.

Dean turned around a few times in his bed but couldn't get comfy. His mind was too full to get sleep.

Should I ask him? Or better not? I really want to... but what if he doesn't feel the same for me? Jeez, this is hard.

Flirting with girls was never a problem for Dean, though he never really had a relationship to one. He once had a boyfriend, his name was Adam (no incest) but they lost contact when Adam moved away with his family. Dean liked him but he didn't know if it was love. They never really said the three words to each other.

But for Castiel he feels different... sure, he wouldn't call it love yet, but maybe it would work between them?

Dean turned around to face Cas. The other boy was snoring softly. His face looked so innocent when he's sleeping. Dean couldn't help but smile.

His gaze turned back to the ceiling and from one moment to the other he was to tired to hold his eyes open and fell asleep.

When they woke up on wednesday to their favorite song by Asia, Cas looked at Dean and smiled.

"Why are you smiling? It's wednesday, we have school." Dean asked and smiled too.

"Yeah, we have. But I'm not the one who has Mr. Crowley, so I'm allowed to smile. And by the way, I didn't had any nightmare this night."

Dean frowned at the thought of Mr. Crowley but when he realized what Cas had said after that, he walked over to Cas, who was standing in front of his bed and pulling his sweatpants down to change. Dean pulled him in a hug and whispered: "This is nice to hear, Cas. I'm happy for you." Dean himself was only wearing his boxers because he was also about to change for the day.

When he pulled away from the hug, he saw the other boy was blushing and grinning proudly. Dean started to laugh and so did Castiel. Both of the boys had a really nice start in the day.

[Little time skip]

They drove in the parking lot at school and exited the impala. Ten minutes until the first lesson started.

Dean and Castiel headed to the lockers and pulled out their stuff when Cas started to speak: "Meet me for lunch again?"

"Sure, have fun with Not-Mr.-Crowley." Dean answered, the last part a bit sarcastic.

Cas laughed at his words and waved when he turned away to walk to his class.

Thank god, Dean was punctual and didn't have to listed to an annoyed Mr. Crowley...for now.

He hated this teacher. He only knew him for three days but yesterday he started to call him squirrel instead of Dean. He's a teacher, he isn't allowed to give his students nick names. I mean, what the hell?

Dean didn't pay much attention to his lessons, he decided to draw some sketches in his notebook. Dean always liked to draw, though he never showed his drawings to anybody except of Sammy.

He drew a silhouette of a man with a blue tie, blue eyes and black wings. When he finished his drawing, he looked at it and realized it looked a bit like Cas. Dean smiled at the thought and a few seconds later the bell rang for lunch.

In the cafeteria he looked for Castiel, who waved his arm for Dean to find him. He sat at a table with a redhead and another boy.

"Hey Dean, these are my friends Charlie," he pointed to the redhead girl, "and Garth." He pointed to the other guy at the table.

Dean sat down and put his tablet with a burger on the table. "Hey everyone." He greeted them.

"Hi Dean, I'm Charlie, I'm lesbian and I loooove Harry Potter and Star Wars" Charlie said with an excited voice.

"Okay, thanks for that information"  Dean chuckled.

This girl is sypathic. And she's gay, so she's no competitor for me. That's fine.

Charlie talked very much during lunch but it wasn't annoying. Garth was more an introverted guy but he laughs at all the jokes they made. Dean liked Castiel's friends. And Castiel too.

Sorry for the late update, but I totally forgot what this story was about 'cause I was reading other fanfics... Next chapter is something you all waited for ;)

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