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Cas' POV

[Time skip to friday]

"School sucks! I hate this place. If I had the choice between school and hell I would definitly choose hell!" Dean yelled when Cas opened the car door.

"Calm down, babe. It's okay, it's friday now and you know we have plans for this weekend." Cas tried to soothe his boyfriend. He climed in the car and gave him a quick kiss on his lips.

Dean looked at Castiel who was smiling at him and he couldn't resist this cute little puppy eyes. It just needed one second with the person he loved and all his anger was gone. He smiled back at him before he started the car to drive home.

"We have two hours until the CSD starts. I told Charlie we would pick her up at 4 o'clock. After that we drive directly to Bobby's, so we have to pack a few things for the weekend." Dean explained during the drive.

"Okay, but I have to shower first. And what about dinner? How long do we drive to Bobby's anyway?" Cas asked.

"I guess it takes about two and a half hour or something. And let's try to find some place to eat when we picked up Charlie." Dean replied.

The car parked in front of Camp Sonny and the boys headed to the door. Castiel went upstairs in his room and placed his bagpack on an empty chair. He grabbed some things from the closet and went to the bathroom to shower.

Dean was still downstairs in the kitchen and talked to Sonny about their concret plans and when they come back. Then he searched the phone to call Bobby.

He dialed his number and waited until he heared his voice.

"Hey Bobby, it's me, Dean... yeah I'm fine... We'll be there around nine, maybe a bit later.... oh didn't I tell you? We means Castiel and me... yes, I didn't want to drive alone so I asked him to accompany me... okay, thanks, see you later. Bye!" Then he hung up.

He went upstairs and waited in his room until Cas came out of the bathroom that he can shower. To waste time, he started to unpack his bagpack and fill it with his stuff for the next two days. When he put his school stuff on the desk, he found that little sketch which he made during class last week. The one with the angel who looks like Castiel. He decided to show it to him.

Cas entered the room. "Bathroom's free now." He said to Dean. His hair was still wet and he didn't wear any socks or shoes.

"Hey Cas, I wanna show you something." Dean said when he recognized his boyfriend standing in the room.

Castiel toddled to the desk and stood behind Dean. He leaned over his shoulder and laid his hands around his waist to see the drawing on the table.

"It's a little sketch I drew during a boring lesson in school. I thought of you when I did that and I think it has a bit similarity with you." Dean explained.

"Wow Dean, this is... beautiful. You're a very good artist." He said amazed.

"My little angel." Dean turned around and kissed his boyfriend lovely. Then he stood up, grabbed his clothes and went to the bathroom.

Castiel took a seat where Dean sat before and stared at the drawing.

This boy has so many talents... I'm the luckiest person on earth to have him as my boyfriend...

His fingers slid over the rough paper as he admired the picture. Dean had used a black fineliner to draw the body and the wings and a blue one for the tie and the eyes. The colors matched perfectly and the whole picture looked just amazing. Castiel stared at it until Dean came back from the shower with wet hair and reminded him to pack his things for the weekend.

Cas went to his closet and grabbed a jeans and two black t-shirts, one with the led zeppelin logo on it. It was one of many bands which both of them really liked to listen to. They already planned to visit a concert of the band one day, if they have enough money.

He shoved his things in his bag and went to the bathroom to get his toothbrush and other stuff he would need. Meanwhile, Dean packed his guitar in its bag and brought their stuff in the car. When everything was done, the boys went outside to the car and headed to Charlie's house.

Dean unbuckled his seatbelt and climed out of the car, while Cas decided to wait for him and Charlie inside. Once Dean got to the door, he ringed the doorbell and heard Charlie yelling from inside: "Coming! Just a second, I'm nearly there!"

He chuckled to himself and waited for her to oped the door.

"Whats up bitche- where's Cas?" She asked confused.

"In the car and I'm still not your bitch, Charles." Dean replied.

"As long as you call me Charles, I'm gonna call you my bitch. Capiche?" She said with a wide grin on her face.

They walked back to the car where Castiel waited for them, totally ready to start to the event... after they found a place to eat, because the three of them were starving like hell.

You might habe to wait a little longer for the next chapter 'cause school sucks, but that's not new information...
Thanks for reading this crap ;)

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