My sleepy angel

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Dean's POV

"It's friday. What do you wanna do, Cas?" Dean asked, still holding the boy's face in his hand.

"Hmm... I don't know. Watch some netflix?" He answered. "Sounds good."

They got comfortable in Dean's bed and Dean pulled out his laptop from under the bed. He opened netflix and searched for a show. Castiel decided that they gonna watch the new season of gilmore girls. (I didn't watch it yet, everything I know is from spoilers)

"Oh no. Richard's dead? I liked that guy. This is bad." Castiel said after a few minutes. Dean didn't pay much attention to the show. He rather looked secretly at his new boyfriend.

This boy looks so sweet... I'm lucky to have him. He hopefully doesn't mind me watching him.

Nothing with that hope. A few moments later Castiel's gaze turned to Dean who was staring at him.

"What are you looking at? Is there something in my face?" Castiel asked.

"No. Just watching my cute boyfriend watching gilmore girls. Okay this sounds more gay than I expected." He laughed and Castiel did too.

Cas gave him a quick kiss on the forehead for that compliment and then continued watching the show.

Dean looked at his watch. It was 11pm. Castiel fell asleep on his chest and he didn't wanted to wake him up so he tried to put the laptop back on the floor with as little movement as possible. Luckily he didn't notice him. Dean gave him a kiss on his cheek and laid back down to sleep.

He dreamed of him and Cas having an own apartment and a small kitten named Lucifer, what has to be his boyfriends idea. In this dream, Charlie is living next door with another girl and they're planning a movie night on every second weekend. This has to be a great life for all of them.

The next morning, Castiel woke up in Dean's arms protectivly and just laid there for another half an hour until Dean was awake.

"Good morning, sunshine" he greeted his boyfriend.

"Good morning my sleepy angel" Dean answered, his eyes still half closed.

I love his messy hair in the morning....

The boys got up and went downstairs to eat breakfast. They disscussed before that they aren't telling Sonny about their new relationship yet, maybe later.

When Castiel was in the kitchen, Dean asked Sonny if it was okay if he and Cas could go outside to the lake today. He agreed with an expression that said 'what are you going to do there?'. Okay, maybe it wasn't the best idea to ask like this. Dean thought about it and realized that it really sounds like they were planning a date. But who cares, now it's to late to change what he said.

Dean grabbed his bagpack and put his school stuff on the table in their room. Then he went to the kitchen again and shoved a bottle of water and some sandwiches in his bag. Back in his room, Castiel looked at him with a questioning gaze.

"Put on your shoes. We're going outside."
Dean said.

"Who's we?" Castiel had no clue what was going on. He tilted his head and narrowed his eyes in confusion.

Dean smiled at this. "You look adorable when you're doing this. We means you and me. Come on." He walked over to Cas and gave him a kiss on the forehead. Then he grabbed his hand and led outside with his bagpack on the shoulder.

"Does Sonny know we're leaving?"

"Yes, I asked him in the morning." Dean said, still holding Castiel's hand.
"Oh wait, I forgot something." He ran back to the room they shared and quickly grabbed his guitar. Then he ran downstairs to Cas.

"Sonny, can we take the car?" He yelled from to hallway.

"Yea, take it, but be back at six for dinner." He yelled back.

Dean grabbed the keys and headed outside to the impala with his boyfriend. Dean sat in the driverseat and Cas in the passenger seat.

"What are we doing, Dean?" He asked.

"We're going on our first date."

"And where are we going?"

"That's a surprise." Dean smiled at the excitement in Castiels voice when he heard the word 'first date'.

After 15 minutes driving through the landscape, the car turned right to a small forest and then stopped. Dean got out and took his bagpack and the guitar from the backseat.

"Dean, where are we? This feels like a bad horror movie. Are you gonna kill me?"

"Calm down, Cas. I'm not gonna kill you or hurt you or rape you or anything. Just follow me." Dean answered. He took his boyfriend's hand and walked besides him through the woods to a small lake.

The lake looked beautiful with the sun shining between the trees and the water lilies on it.

"Wow Dean, this is wonderful. From where do you know this place?" Castiel eyes shined bright when he looked upon the environment.

"I often came here when I lived at Sonny's for the first time, when I needed privacy. He told me that this is kinda a secret place and nobody would come here ever."

Dean smiled at Castiel when he turned to him to give him a kiss on his lips.
They boys sat down in the gras and Dean pulled out the sandwiches from his bag and gave his boyfriend one.

When they were finished with eating, Dean layed back with Castiel next to him.

Now I'm gonna tell him. It's the perfect moment.

He turned to his side to face Castiel, who was staring at him.

"Cas, babe, I need to tell you something" he took his hand in his own and heard Castiels heart beat faster.

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