Maybe we should come out

457 24 6

Sonny's POV

Okay, these guys seem to like each other. What the hell were they doing at the lake? Was it a date? I don't know... But I'm not gonna ask them, when they want to tell me, they should, but I'm not gonna bother them with it... But what if they think I'm a homophobic? I should let them know that I'm okay with it... let's see how this will work...

Dean's POV

After dinner, Dean bumped into Sonny in the kitchen when he put the plates into the dishwasher. "Oh, I'm sorry, Sonny." He apologized.

"No problem. Hey Dean, next week is this 'Christopher street day' parade in the town. You wanna go there with Castiel? 'Cause if you want to, it would be no problem."

"Uhh y-yeah, I... I'll ask him. Thanks" Dean was a bit confused, but also a big weight was lifted from his shoulders when he heard how Sonny talks about him and Castiel.

Maybe we should tell him soon...

Castiel was fine with the idea and they decided to call Charlie and ask her to come with them, after all she's homosexual too.

"What's up bitches!" She took up after two rings.

"Hey Charles, you're on speaker. And what a nice greeting by the way" Castiel said.

"Ohh Cassie, I can hear sarcasm. I love you too"

"Yeah, what ever." Dean interrupted their conversation.

"Oh Dean, don't take me wrong, Cas is yours."

"Thank- wait what? From where do you know?" Dean was surprised.


"Charlie calm down. Yes, we're together now but don't tell it around." Castiel said between chuckles.


"Anyways, we wanted to ask you if you like to go to the CSD parade with us. Next weekend." Dean sounded a bit annoyed by Charlie's reaktion, mostly because he was worried about his eardrums.

"Oh you're going? I didn't know you were going."

"Well, this is why we're telling you." Cas said sarcastically.

"Yeah, sure, let's go there together. Can't wait! Ohh, before you're hanging up, are you gonna come out in school? 'Cause this would be reeeaaalllyyy cute!!"

"Uhm, I don't know. We didn't discussed it yet. But we'll let you know. Bye!"

"Bye guys, see you on monday!" She hang up.

Dean and Castiel shared a look.
"Yeah uhmm, I guess we should come out. Shouldn't we?" Cas asked.

Dean nodded. "Yes, but let's start with Sonny. Tomorrow maybe. Now we should go to sleep."

So the boys changed in their pyjamas and went to bed after Cas gave his boyfriend a good night kiss.

Cas' POV

Dean fell asleep very quick but Cas was still awake two hours later. It was midnight now and he layed in his bed and stared at the ceiling, thinking. He thought about what happened the last week. He knew Dean only for a week... was it right that they were already together? Or was it a mistake? His mind was full of questions like this. Sure, he liked him, but he can't not think that this was the wrong desicion.

He rolled from side to side in his bed but couldn't get comfortable.

God, please let me sleep. I just want to sleep. This isn't thaat hard...

A few minutes passed until he gave up trying to sleep and walked to the bathroom, quiet because Dean was sleeping.

His thoughts were killing him. It was like he was possesed by a demon or something. He couldn't control his actions anymore. His hand was shaking. In bathroom he searched for him blade.

Only one cut, or two. Maybe three. Dean wouldn't notice... but I promised him something... I need to tell him. But he wouldn't notice if I didn't... I can hide it. This time, I can.

He placed the blade on his arm, pushed it in his skin, pulled it along. Blood was running down his arm. Again. He couldn't stop. It was such a nice feeling. He did it again. And again. And again...

Cas ended up with five fresh cuts on his left arm. He washed his face with cold water and looked in the mirrow.

You're a failure, Castiel. Everything you do is wrong. EVERYTHING. This is wrong. Dean is wrong. Everything is wrong. All you can do is fail. You're a failure.

He broke down in tears again. His hands covered his face. The pain in his chest got worse. He sat there for another 20 minutes, then he collected himself and went to bed.

Half an hour later he finally fell asleep... and the nightmares began.

For those who didn't know: wattpad users are called wattpadaleckis ;)

Okay, I have to tell you guys, I have really nice plans for this story and I hope you gonna like it *moriarty laugh* hehe

I'm trying to update as often as I can, so... ENJOYYYY! I'm out. Bye!

Addicted. (Destiel)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora