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Dean's POV

The police car drove across the landscape  and passed grasslands and forests.

I can't believe that I have to stay in a 'boys home' now... Dean thought.

After about 30 minutes the car turned right to a gateway on which was written 'Camp Sonny'. The thought he knew the name, it sounded familiar to him. And then he realized. A few years ago he had been here the first time. It was because of theft, he and Sammy were alone and he lost their money in a game so he decided to steal bread and peanutbutter for his brother to eat. Then the cops brought him here, same situation like today.

"Hello Sonny, long time no see. How ya doing?" The officer asked.

"Hey Jody! Fine, I'm fine. So, who did you brought today?"

When Dean got out of the backseat Sonny's eyes widened. "D-Dog?" , "Sonny, my old friend!" Dean went forward wanting to hug Sonny but then realized that he still had handcuffs on his wrists. Sonny pat his back and led him inside the house.

"Jody, do you want coffee?" She nodded and Sonny went to the kitchen. He came back with a tablet with two cups of coffee, milk and sugar on it.

"What did he do this time to get here?" He asked Jody but his eyes still on Dean directed.

Jody scrolled in her notebook. "Possession and consumption of marijuana. His parents aren't available so we brought him here... again."

Sonny smiled and Dean said sarcastically: "Have a nice day, JODY" when she left the room.

Sonny grabbed a key from the table and took Dean's handcuffs off. "Dean? Where's your father?" His voice became serious.

"He's... uhh... away. He left Sammy and me alone. The first few days we called him every night and talked about school and stuff but... one night he didn't accept the call. We left a voicemessage that he call back...but he never did." For a momemt it was totally silent until Sonny started talking again.

"Why are you smoking weed? From where do you have it anyway?"

"When our dad broke up the contact, I thought he was dead and I was sad! So I asked a friend if he could get something." Dean's voice became louder and he sounded angry.

"Okay buddy, calm down. Your room is in the first floor, I hope Castiel has finished it yet."

They went upstairs and Sonny knocked at the door to Cas' room. "Castiel, are you finished?"

Cas opened the door with a hoover in his hand. He didn't realized the other boy yet.
"Yeah, just the laundry..."

"Hey, I'm Dean." He held out his right hand for Castiel to shake. Castiel turned to Dean and when their eyes met, the earth had stopped turning for a short moment.

God, his eyes are bluer than the sky on a shiny summer day. This can't be real.
But it was. The guy in front of Dean didn't move, but then he managed to stutter out a few words.

"C-Castiel... my name. Ehh... your bed is at the window, if you want. But if not, I understand 'cause in the morning the sun is burning on your bed, I mean if you want, you can take the...bed next to the door."

"Okay ehh... I don't mind, I'll take the bed that's left." Dean didn't know why he was so nervous now. He wasn't able to build a normal sentence.

"I'll leave you boys alone now. Lunch at 1pm and Cas? Please show Dean the whole place, he's already been here before but it has been years."

With these words Sonny left the room and the boys were on their own now.

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